
Database vs Data warehouse

Database vs Data warehouse

August 23, 2023
August 23, 2023
Database vs Data warehouse

Within the field of data management, the data warehouse and database are two essential components that serve different functions for different scenarios. Both include the storing, organizing, and retrieving of data, but they serve different purposes and are best suited for particular kinds of data-driven processes. Organizations must be aware of the key distinctions between a database and a data warehouse in order to choose their data architecture wisely and to fully understand which choice would be better to cater particular organization needs.
In thor article, we will deep dive into understanding databases and data warehouses which would help you make a better decision which option would be better for you.

What is a Database ?

A database is a structured collection of data that has been arranged to make it easy to save, retrieve, edit, and delete information. It provides an organized environment for handling data and is a crucial part of many software programmes and systems. A database is a well-organized place where data can be stored and accessed by multiple users while maintaining data security and integrity. Data models, query languages, transaction management, data integrity methods, and a variety of tools for data organization, retrieval, and analysis are included in this feature set.

Key features Database

  • ACID properties: To guarantee data integrity throughout transactions, databases follow the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) criteria. Atomicity ensures that transactions are treated as indivisible units, consistency ensures that data changes from one valid state to another, isolation avoids interactions between concurrent transactions, and durability ensures that changes made to data after a transaction has been updated and are irreversible.
  • Query Language: Users can interact with the data by using query languages offered by databases, such as SQL (Structured Query Language). To meet different needs queries are used to retrieve, filter, aggregate, or update data.
  • Indexing: Indexes help databases to retrieve data more quickly. Data structures called indexes enable quick access to particular rows of data by avoiding the requirement for full-table scans when running queries.
  • Normalization: The practice of organizing data in relational databases to reduce redundancy and enhance data integrity is known as normalization. This process includes decomposing the data into smaller, related tables and creating connections between them.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: Databases provide mechanisms for data backup and recovery to protect against data loss caused by any kind of failures, down times, software bugs, or other unanticipated events.
  • Data Modeling: Making a conceptual, logical, and physical data model is part of database design. A logical model depicts the data in more detail, a physical model transforms the logical model into the real database schema, and a conceptual model specifies the high-level structure of data and relationships.

What is a Data warehouse ?

Large volumes of historical and aggregated data from various sources can be stored, managed, and analyzed using specialized database systems called Data Warehouses. Its main objective is to enable business intelligence (BI) and data analytics so that businesses can have deep insight, spot patterns over time and uncover the trend and make data-driven decisions. A data warehouse is a central location set up to hold integrated, aggregated, and subject-specific historical data for analytical use. Time-variant data storage, denormalized structures, query optimization, ETL procedures, integration with BI tools, and a concentration on assisting making data-driven decision-making of its important features.

Key features of Data warehouse

  • Centralized data: Data from various sources, including operational databases, SaaS sources, spreadsheets, and more, are centralized in a data warehouse. With a holistic view of the organization's data, this helps the analysts to conduct in-depth analyses and generate insights.
  • Time-variant data: Users can examine alterations and trends over various time periods with the help of data warehouses, which preserve previous data records. The ability to track past performance, make comparisons, and spot long-term trends depends on this time-variant character.
  • Denormalized data: Denormalized or star/snowflake schema structures are frequently used in data warehouses. This enables arranging data in fewer relationships and pre-joined tables, which makes querying much easier and improves performance for analytical activities requiring complex joins and aggregations.
  • Aggregated Data: A data warehouse frequently aggregates data at various granularities. This enables analysts to deep down into more niche data as necessary and get summarized data quickly for high-level conclusions.
  • Query Performance Optimisation: To increase query speed and efficiency, data warehouses use a variety of performance optimisation techniques, including indexing, segmentation, and materialized views. These improvements make it possible for lengthy analytical queries to be processed quickly.
  • BI Integration support: Business intelligence solutions including reporting platforms, data visualization tools, and analytical software all function in conjunction with data warehouses. For the purpose of producing insightful reports, dashboards, and visualizations, these technologies connect to the data warehouse.

How is the Data warehouse Different from the Database ?

A data warehouse and a database are two distinct concepts in the world of data management, each of them having their own unique purposes and providing different aspects in the data management space. To understand how a data warehouse is different from a database, it's essential to have knowledge of their characteristics, functionalities, and applications.

Architecture and core principle:

The basic principle of databases is that they are repositories designed for efficient storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data. Databases support many applications by serving as the backbone for transactional processes in various industries. These databases follow the principles of normalization, where data is structured to minimize redundancy and ensure data integrity. This normalized structure is especially suited for applications where maintaining data accuracy and ensuring smooth real-time transactions are crucial.

In contrast, a data warehouse is better to be called as a comprehensive repository that exists mainly for analytical purposes. It is the most important component of the business intelligence processes, providing a powerful platform and computing engine for querying and analyzing historical and aggregated data. The focus of a data warehouse is going into deep dive analytics business use cases like uncovering insights, recognizing trends, and making data-driven decisions based on data captured in a wide range of time. To enable such use cases in the most simplified manner, data warehouses adopt a denormalized schema, often following star or snowflake models, which involves pre-joining tables and organizing data to simplify complex analytical queries.

Structuring Data:

Databases usually have current and operational data which is basically real-time data, hence the normalized approach is followed in the databases to ensure the accuracy and reliability of real-time transactions. These databases are optimized for quick and accurate read and write operations, supporting all the data transactional needs of applications. To summarize, Databases mostly contain current and frequently updated data. They mostly are used to fulfill the needs of operational applications, aiming to provide real-time or near-real-time access to the latest information.

In contrast, data warehouses store historical and aggregated data which is suitable for exploratory data analysis. This involves collecting data from multiple sources and integrating the data into a one-stop data storage space. The denormalized schema reduces the complexity of querying, enabling efficient analysis which helps analysts to focus more on insights rather than playing around joins and relationships of data tables. This structure is particularly efficient for reporting and analytics, where data from various sources needs to be stored and compared over time. This longitudinal data view is crucial for understanding trends, spotting patterns, and identifying anomalies that play a vital role in making strategic data-driven decision making. By providing batches of data from different points in time, analysts leverage data warehouses to perform retrospective analyses and glean insights into long-term performance.

Performance and Optimization:

Databases were built by keeping in mind to utilize them for rapid transactional processing. So many of the features like indexing, concurrency control, and transaction management were added while building them to ensure data integrity and responsiveness. Their architecture prioritizes consistent data updates and quick access to recent information.

On the other hand, data warehouses are optimized for complex analytical tasks. They leverage techniques like indexing, partitioning, and materialized views to enhance query performance. This optimization was done to ensure smooth analytical operations, where the focus lies in running complicated queries across various datasets to uncover trends, anomalies, and insights.

Data Volume:

Databases are designed to handle relatively smaller volumes of data, they usually handle current transactions and are used for real-time data management. They ensure the smooth functioning of day-to-day operations.

However, data warehouses are built to manage large volumes of data. These volumes include historical records, archived data, and information extracted from various sources. Therefore a good amount of storage is required to accommodate a substantial amount of data and is vital for conducting comprehensive analysis and producing meaningful insights.

In conclusion, while databases and data warehouses share the common goal of storing and managing data, they differ in their fundamental architecture, purposes, structures, and functionalities. Databases excel at supporting operational applications, maintaining data accuracy, and providing an ideal platform for real-time transactions. While data warehouses shine when it comes down to Online analytical processing (OLAP) use cases, storing historical data and providing a platform for complex querying and trend analysis. These distinct features arise a question for the importance of choosing the appropriate data management solution based on the specific needs of the organization and the type of the tasks to carry out on a regular basis.

Database vs Database: Comparison

Feature Database Data warehouse
Application It is ideal for the use cases involving real-time data processing of applications It is ideal for leveraging all the analytics and reporting use cases, hence it supports integration with BI Tools
Data Type It contains current and operational data based on real-time transactions. It contains historical and aggregated data suitable for analysis and reporting.
Data Structure It has structured and normalized data which ensures less redundancy and data integrity. It also has structure but is usually denormalized.
Data Volume It usually has limited and less data since mostly it is used for transactions. It has a large amount of data since historical data is stored.
Performance It is built by focusing that a good amount of read and write operations will be carried out, hence its structure emphasizes on data integrity. It is built to keep in mind that complex querying will be done on the data, hence its structure emphasizes more on query efficiency.
Example MySQL, SQL Server Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery

A Brief History: Data warehouse & Database


The history of databases traces its roots to the 1960s when mainframe computers gave rise to hierarchical and network models, carried out by a data organization. However, Edgar F. Codd's 1970 invention of the relational model, which established tables and SQL for data manipulation, was the revolutionizing event for relational databases. Commercialization of the relational databases led to the birth of well-known systems like Oracle and MySQL in the 1980s, and the 1990s first time client-server architecture was introduced with the expansion of the internet. The rise in data volume in the 2000s, the NoSQL movement, and the transition to e-commerce and unstructured data came after that. Large-scale, unstructured data led to a number of issues, which further led to the development of the idea of NoSQL databases. As the 2020s came to a close, databases continued to get updated with the latest trends to support cloud computing, AI, and the integration of various data sources. This journey demonstrates how databases are adaptable, crucial components of the data landscape and supporting n-number of applications across industries.

Data warehouse:

Data warehousing's development dates back to the 1980s, when it first appeared in response to the demand for historical data for data-driven decision making. Bill Inmon first used the phrase "data warehouse" in 1990. With the advent of specialized tools and technology, this idea gained traction in the 1990s. By this period the importance of historical data for strategic planning and trend analysis was considered necessary aspects for any business growth. With the introduction of specialized data warehousing technologies built to enable high-performance analytics, the turn of the millennium saw a huge shift. Cloud computing gained popularity in the 2010s, enabling scalable solutions and opening the door for more flexible and economical data warehousing. Organizations now take use of the potential of unstructured and raw data thanks to the integration of data lakes and data warehouses, which was made necessary by the explosion of big data. 

Which is Best : Database or Data warehouse ?

Well, the answer to this question depends on various factors. For some of the scenarios data warehouse would be a better choice and for some scenarios database would be a better choice. Let’s understand few scenarios where a database would be a better choice:

  • Real-time transactional data management works well with databases. A database is the best choice if your main focus is storing, updating, and retrieving operational data for regular transactions for your applications. 
  • Data integrity and effective transaction processing are guaranteed by the normalized schemas used in databases, which are built for structured data.
  • The read and write operations in databases are designed to be ready almost real-time. They excel in sustaining accurate data and supporting real-time transactions.
  • Databases are effective at locating specific pieces of information and answering niche and straightforward questions.

Let’s understand few scenarios where a data warehouse would be a better choice:

  • A data warehouse is more appropriate if your objective is to do in-depth analysis, get insights from previous data, and make data-driven strategic decisions based on trends and patterns. Large amounts of historical and aggregated data can be accessed through data warehouses to support complex searches and reporting. Denormalized structures are frequently used in data warehouses to enhance query performance.
  • Data warehouse works as a centralized unit for data storage from various sources and gives analytical work precedence over regular updates.
  • Business intelligence technologies are specifically made to integrate them with data warehouses, allowing for thorough reporting and analysis.


While databases excel at real-time transactional data management, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of day-to-day operations, data warehouses specialize in delivering analytical insights and historical trends. The choice between the two hinges on the organization's goals: databases are essential for supporting operational applications and maintaining data integrity, while data warehouses empower strategic decision-making through comprehensive data analysis and reporting. By leveraging the strengths of both, organizations can create a robust data ecosystem that caters to the diverse needs of data-driven processes, from operational efficiency to informed strategic planning.

This article would have helped you to have a decent understanding of database vs data warehouse and to make a choice between the two for your organization. Although once the decision is made there would be a need of replicating data from different sources to any of the destinations. Data replication would require a significant bandwidth for your engineering team. This is where a near real-time low code tool like Fivetran can be used to automate your data replication tasks.

Fivetran simplifies the data replication process from different data sources to the destination of your choice by providing pre-built connectors, automated workflows, and data transformation capabilities. It streamlines the integration between these two, allowing users to focus on analysis rather than integration complexities. To learn more about Fivetran, read What is Fivetran? | Blog

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