
Database management: definition, types and more 

Database management: definition, types and more 

October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
Database management: definition, types and more 
This introduction explores the key principles and concepts behind database management, shedding light on the significance of well-structured data storage and retrieval systems in our interconnected world.

In today's data-driven world, effective data management is paramount for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Database management plays a pivotal role in this process, serving as the backbone of modern information systems. Databases are structured repositories designed to efficiently store, organize, retrieve, and manipulate data, allowing businesses to make informed decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver seamless user experiences.

Database management encompasses a wide range of activities and practices, from designing the database schema to ensuring data security, optimizing performance, and facilitating data analysis. It is an indispensable part of information technology, with applications spanning across industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more.

This introduction explores the key principles and concepts behind database management, shedding light on the significance of well-structured data storage and retrieval systems in our interconnected world. We will delve into the components of database management systems (DBMS), the different types of databases, and the critical role they play in supporting data-driven decision-making and innovation. Whether you are a seasoned IT professional or someone new to the world of databases, this exploration will provide valuable insights into the fundamental aspects of database management and its essential role in today's digital landscape.

What is database management?

Database management refers to the process of designing, implementing, and maintaining a structured repository of digital information, known as a database. The primary goal of database management is to efficiently and securely store, organize, retrieve, and manipulate data to support various applications, processes, and decision-making within an organization.

How does database management work?

Let’s understand how databases work by understanding a basic query flow. The query flow in a database refers to the sequence of steps that occur when a user or application issues a query to retrieve or manipulate data from the database. Here's an overview of the typical query flow in a database:

  • Query issuance and parsing: The query flow begins when a user or application sends a query to the database. The query is written in a database query language, such as SQL (Structured Query Language). The database system's query parser receives the query and parses it. During parsing, the query is broken down into the individual database components, such as keywords, table names, columns, and conditions.
  • Query optimization and execution: Once parsed, the database's query optimizer analyzes the query and generates an execution plan. The optimizer considers various factors, such as available indexes, statistics, and system resources to determine the most efficient way to retrieve the requested data. With the execution plan now decided, the database system starts executing the query. The execution phase involves multiple sub-steps:
  • Access planning: The optimizer decides how the data will be accessed, whether through table scans, index scans, or a combination.
  • Data retrieval: The database retrieves the requested data based on the execution plan. If joins are involved, the necessary tables are joined to produce the result set.
  • Filtering and sorting: If the query includes filtering conditions (WHERE clause), the database filters out the irrelevant data. If sorting is required (ORDER BY clause), the result set is sorted accordingly.
  • Aggregation: If the query involves aggregation functions (e.g., SUM, AVG, COUNT), the database performs these calculations and prepares the required data.
  • Fetching results: Once the query is executed, the result set is fetched from the database and returned to the user or application that issued the query.
  • Data presentation: The retrieved data is presented to the user or application in a suitable format, which could be any format like tabular data, JSON, XML, or other formats, depending on the query and the application's requirements.
  • Transaction and error handling: If the query involves data modification (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), the changes are managed within a transaction. Transactions ensure that data changes are either fully completed or fully rolled back in case of failures. Throughout the query flow, the database system performs error handling. If the query encounters an error, such as syntax issues, constraint violations, or resource unavailability, the database generates an error message and may roll back any uncommitted changes.
  • Logging and auditing: Similar to transaction and error handling, throughout the query flow, the database logs various actions, including query execution, transaction details, and error messages. This logging is crucial for tracking changes, troubleshooting, and ensuring data integrity.
  • Compliances: The database system enforces security and access control rules during the query flow. It verifies that the user or application has the necessary permissions to perform the requested operations on the data.
  • Cache utilization and query completion: Depending on the database system's caching mechanisms, frequently accessed data or query results may be cached in memory. This can improve query performance by reducing the need to read data from disk.

The query flow is over after the query execution is finished and the results are displayed. The obtained data can subsequently be processed or displayed as necessary by the user or application. In general, there are several steps in the query flow in a database, from parsing and optimisation to execution and result retrieval. The database management system meticulously plans each step to efficiently and precisely respond to the user's query while upholding data integrity and security requirements.

Types of database management systems

1) Centralized database management system

A centralized database management System (DBMS) is a type of database system where all data and management processes are stored in a single location or server. All the users, applications and data processing tasks interact with this centralized DBMS interact with the database through this central server.

Centralized DBMSs are suitable for scenarios where data volumes and user loads are light to moderate, and simplicity of management is prioritized and there is no need for extreme scalability. They are commonly used in small to medium-sized businesses, departments within the larger organizations and applications where data consistency and security are critical.

2) Distributed database management system

A distributed database management system (DDBMS) is a type of database system in which data is distributed across multiple physical locations or servers. Unlike a centralized DBMS, where all data is stored on a single server or node, a distributed DBMS distributes all the data and processing tasks among interconnected nodes. Each node in a distributed database can be a separate computer, server, or even a data center. 

Distributed DBMSs are suitable for scenarios where data volumes are large, and the need for scalability, availability, and reduced latency is crucial. They are commonly used in global enterprises, online applications with a worldwide user base, and systems that require high availability and fault tolerance to minimize the downtime if faced.

3) Federated database management system

A federated database management system (FDBMS) is a type of database system that integrates multiple independent databases into a single, unified view for users and applications. Unlike a distributed database where data is physically distributed across multiple nodes, a federated database enables seamless access to data stored in different databases, often located on different servers or systems. Federated DBMSs are used in scenarios where organizations have multiple independent databases that need to be accessed as a unified resource. This approach is beneficial when integrating data from various systems is required but physically migrating data isn't feasible. Federated databases are commonly used in large enterprises with diverse systems, in research environments, and in scenarios where data sharing and integration are critical.

4) Blockchain database management system

A blockchain database management system (BDBMS) is a type of database system that uses blockchain technology to store, manage, and secure data in a decentralized and tamper-resistant manner. Blockchain is a distributed technology that enables the creation of a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptographic techniques. A blockchain-based database system provides features such as immutability, transparency, and secure environment that make it suitable for applications requiring trust and verifiability.

It's important to note that while blockchain technology offers unique advantages, it may not be suitable for all types of applications due to its complexity and advanced resource requirements. Organizations should carefully consider their specific requirements before implementing a blockchain-based solution.

5) Cloud database management system

A cloud database management system (CDBMS) is a type of database management system that is hosted and operated in the cloud by a cloud service provider. It leverages cloud computing infrastructure to store, manage, and process data. Cloud databases offer several advantages, including scalability, accessibility, reduced operational overhead, and flexibility. 

Applications for cloud database management systems can be found in several fields. Web applications are highly suited to their scalability and accessibility. Large datasets are stored and processed for business insight using big data and analytics. Data from IoT devices and sensors is handled by cloud databases.  When choosing a cloud database management system and provider, organizations must evaluate their unique demands while taking into account aspects like data security, compliance, performance, and cost.

Advantages of database management

Key advantages of database management include:

  • Database design: Designing involves creating a blueprint or better known as schema for the structure of the database which includes defining tables, columns, relationships, data types, and constraints. Proper design ensures that data is organized logically and efficiently. 
  • Data storage and retrieval: Database management systems (DBMS) store data in a structured manner, making it easy to retrieve and manipulate data using queries and commands written in languages like SQL (Structured Query Language). Database managers often need to replicate data from one system to another, whether it's upgrading to a new version of the DBMS, transitioning to a different system, or centralizing data from various sources.
  • Data querying and reporting: Database management involves adding, modifying, and deleting data while maintaining data consistency. This is typically achieved through SQL statements for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. Users and applications can retrieve specific subsets of data using these queries. Advanced querying capabilities allow users to extract valuable insights and generate reports from the database hence making the decision data-driven.
  • Backup: In multi-user environments, where multiple users or processes access the database simultaneously, database managers ensure that data remains consistent and accurate. Concurrency control mechanisms prevent issues like data inconsistency or conflicts. Regular backups and recovery procedures are essential to safeguard data against loss due to hardware failures, software glitches, or human errors. Database managers maintain backup strategies and implement recovery mechanisms.
  • Performance optimization: Database managers monitor and optimize database performance to ensure efficient data retrieval and manipulation. Techniques like indexing, query optimization, and performance tuning are used to enhance system responsiveness. As data grows, database managers may need to scale the database system to handle increasing workloads. This can involve vertical scaling (upgrading hardware) or horizontal scaling (adding more servers).
  • Data privacy and compliance: Database managers implement mechanisms to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and integrity. This includes enforcing constraints, data validation, and access controls to prevent unauthorized or unauthorized data modifications. With growing concerns about data privacy, database managers must ensure that sensitive data is properly encrypted and protected according to relevant regulations and compliance standards.
  • Monitoring and maintenance: Regular monitoring, maintenance, and optimization of the database environment are critical to identifying and addressing issues before they affect performance or data integrity.

Overall, database management plays a crucial role in providing reliable, secure, and accessible data resources that support an organization's day-to-day operations and strategic data-driven decision-making.

Best database management tools

1) Fivetran 

Fivetran is a data integration platform that specializes in automating the process of extracting data from various sources, transforming it, and loading it into a destination of your choice, typically a data warehouse or cloud storage solution. Fivetran aims to simplify the data integration process by providing pre-built connectors for a wide range of data sources, including databases, applications, cloud services, and more. These connectors facilitate the seamless movement of data, enabling organizations to centralize their data for analysis and reporting purposes. Fivetran's automated approach helps reduce the time and effort required for data integration tasks, allowing businesses to focus on deriving insights from their data. Here are few of the many use cases for Fivetran:

  • Business intelligence and reporting: Fivetran helps businesses to consolidate data from numerous sources into a data warehouse, making it simpler to produce thorough reports, dashboards, and visualizations for well-informed decision-making.
  • Data Warehousing: Fivetran makes it easier to fill data warehouses with information from various sources, making sure that the warehouse has correct and recent data for analysis.
  • Data Replication: Fivetran assists organizations with data replication when they switch from one application or system to another, guaranteeing a seamless transition without data loss or disturbance.
  • Analytics and Data Science: Fivetran enables advanced analytics and data science applications that call for a comprehensive and consistent dataset by combining data from several sources.
  • E-commerce and marketing analysis: For companies that engage in online sales, Fivetran can collect information from a variety of platforms to analyze sales, consumer trends, and advertising campaigns.
  • Client Relationship Management (CRM): Fivetran can combine data from several CRM platforms, giving sales and marketing teams a comprehensive picture of client interactions and assisting them in making better decisions.

2) Microsoft SQL server

Microsoft SQL Server is developed by Microsoft and is one of the widely used relational database management systems (RDBMS). It's designed to manage and store structured data, providing a platform for creating, managing, and querying databases. SQL Server supports a wide range of transactional and analytical workloads, making it suitable for various applications and business scenarios. SQL Server is used across a wide range of industries and scenarios:

  • Business applications
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Data warehousing
  • Business intelligence and reporting
  • Online transaction processing (OLTP)
  • Analytics and data science

3) SAP sybase ASE

SAP Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) is a high-performance relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Sybase which is now part of SAP. ASE is designed to handle demanding transactional workloads and is known for its robustness, scalability, and efficiency. It is commonly used in enterprise environments for managing critical data and applications that require fast and reliable performance. SAP Sybase ASE is often used in environments where high performance and reliability are critical:

  • HFT: High-frequency trading and processing of financial transactions are handled by financial services.
  • Telecommunications: For maintaining subscriber information and call detail records.
  • E-commerce: Used to power systems for processing transactions online.
  • Enterprise apps: For managing mission-critical programmes like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).
  • Analytics and data warehousing: To assist in reporting and data analysis.

4) Teradata

Teradata is a highly scalable and powerful data warehousing platform known for its capabilities in handling large volumes of data and complex analytical workloads. It is designed to support enterprise-level data storage, processing, and analysis making it a popular choice for organizations that require advanced analytics and business intelligence solutions. Teradata is commonly used in industries and scenarios that demand complex analytics and data warehousing:

  • Retail: For inventory control, sales forecasting, and customer analytics.
  • Finance: For risk evaluation, fraud detection, and reporting on compliance.
  • Healthcare: For the analysis of patient data, medical research, and outcome evaluation.
  • Telecom: To examine consumer behavior, call data, and network performance.
  • Manufacturing: For process analysis, quality assurance, and supply chain optimisation.

5) MySQL

MySQL is one of the first relational database management systems (RDBMS). It is an open-source RDBMS that is widely used for managing structured data. It provides a platform for creating, storing, and managing databases, making it a popular choice for applications ranging from small web applications to large-scale enterprise systems. Most common use cases:

  • Web applications: For dynamic websites and web apps, MySQL is frequently used as the backend database.
  • Content management systems (CMS): MySQL is a widely used data storage platform for CMS platforms like WordPress.
  • E-commerce: MySQL is used by online shops to maintain their catalogs, process orders, and store client information.
  • Analytics and reporting: Data is stored and accessed using MySQL to provide reports and business intelligence.


As technology continues to evolve, database management remains a critical component for businesses seeking to harness the power of data for innovation, competitiveness, and informed decision-making. By selecting the appropriate database management system and adopting best practices, organizations can harness the full potential of their data assets and drive success in the digital age. Fivetran is one of the tools which can help you streamline your data processes. It is very simple to use since it is a near real-time low code tool. There is no need for any coding because it can automate your replication task. You can also visit Connector Directory | Fivetran, to explore various other connectors supported by Fivetran.

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