MySQL Database Replication: 2 Methods to Replicate Data
MySQL Database Replication: 2 Methods to Replicate Data

You can make and maintain duplicate copies of a database across other servers using the powerful MySQL database replication mechanism. It allows for real-time or nearly real-time data synchronization between a master database and one or more slave databases. This method has a number of advantages, including better performance, preparedness for disasters, and increased data availability. MySQL replication offers a dependable method for data distribution, load balancing, and protecting against data loss by using a master-slave architecture, where the master database acts as the source of truth and the slave databases duplicate changes from the master. This introductory topic digs into the principles of MySQL database replication, examining its essential elements, functionality, and benefits for contemporary data management tactics.
This article explores the core ideas of MySQL database replication, as well as its key features in a comprehensive manner. You will get to know about various methods for executing the MySQL database replication.
What is MySQL?
One of the most popular open-source relational database management systems (RDBMS) for organizing and storing structured data is MySQL. It was initially created by MySQL AB, and Oracle Corporation now owns it. The dependability, performance, and usability of MySQL are well known. It is widely used for many different applications, ranging from modest websites and programmes to big business systems.
Key features of MySQL
- Open Source relational database: MySQL is open-source software, which means it's freely available for use, modification, and distribution. MySQL follows the relational model, allowing data to be stored in tables with predefined columns and data types. MySQL has a large and active community of users and developers, providing resources, forums, and documentation for assistance.
- Structured query language (SQL): MySQL uses SQL for defining, querying, and manipulating data. SQL is a standard language used across many relational database systems. MySQL offers a wide range of data types, including numeric, string, date and time, binary, spatial, and more. MySQL supports triggers (automated actions based on data changes) and stored procedures (predefined database routines that can be executed).
- ACID compliance: MySQL supports ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). When numerous users or processes are concurrently accessing and modifying the same data, ACID features are very important for maintaining the reliability and integrity of the data in database systems. These characteristics ensure that the database continues to serve as a trustworthy source of information for applications and users by helping to retain the accuracy of data even in the face of unforeseen occurrences or failures.
- High performance: MySQL is known for its fast read and write operations. It employs various optimization techniques to ensure efficient data retrieval and storage. MySQL supports horizontal and vertical scalability. It can be scaled out by adding more servers (replication) or scaled up by upgrading hardware. MySQL supports master-slave replication, enabling data to be copied to multiple servers for redundancy and improved read performance.
- Partitioning and storage: MySQL allows data to be divided into smaller partitions for better management and performance optimization. MySQL offers different storage engines with varying capabilities, including InnoDB (default, supports transactions and foreign keys), MyISAM (no transactions, but fast read operations), MEMORY (for storing data in memory), and more. MySQL provides tools for creating backups and restoring data, helping to ensure data availability and disaster recovery.
- Full-text search: MySQL provides full-text indexing and searching capabilities, enabling efficient searching within large text-based data. MySQL offers support for storing, indexing, and querying JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data, making it suitable for applications that use JSON extensively.
- Compatibility and security: MySQL supports user authentication and authorization, allowing administrators to control access to data and operations. MySQL is available for various platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and more. MySQL includes features for working with geospatial data, enabling applications to store and query location-based information.
These are some of the key features that make MySQL a popular choice among developers, businesses, and organizations for managing relational databases efficiently and effectively.
What is MySQL database replication and how does it work?
Data from one MySQL database (the master) is transferred and synchronized to one or more additional MySQL databases (the slaves) through the MySQL Database replication process. It's a typical method for achieving data redundancy, boosting performance by spreading read traffic, and facilitating backup and recovery plans. Here are a few benefits of MySQL Database Replication.
- Master-slave architecture: At least two MySQL instances, a master and one or more slaves, are used in the MySQL database replication process. The primary database, or master, is the one that creates the changes that need to be replicated, and the secondary databases, or slaves, are the ones that receive and implement those changes.
- Binary logging: A binary log, which is a chronological record of all data changes (inserts, updates, and deletions), is kept in the master database. Sometimes, this log is referred to as the "binlog."
- Replication events: When a change is made to the master database, it's recorded in the binary log as a replication event. Each event contains information about the type of operation performed and the data modified.
- Replication thread: Each slave connects to the master and starts a replication thread. This thread reads the binary log events from the master, processes them, and applies the same changes to the slave's local copy of the data.
- Log positioning: To keep track of which events have been replicated, each slave maintains a record of the last processed event in the master's binary log. This is known as the "replication position."
- Failover and high availability: Replication can also be used for failover scenarios. If the master fails, one of the slaves can be promoted to become the new master, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss.
MySQL database replication flow:
- The master records changes in the binary log.
- Each slave connects to the master and requests replication events starting from the last processed position.
- The master sends the requested events to the slave.
- The slave's replication thread processes and applies the events in the same order they were generated on the master.
- The slave updates its replication position as it successfully applies each event.
- The slave periodically communicates with the master to ensure it's up-to-date and hasn't fallen behind.
Types of replication
There are a few different types of replication modes:
- Asynchronous replication: In this method, the master and slave databases are loosely coupled. The master sends events to the slave, but the slave may not immediately apply them. This can lead to potential data inconsistencies if the master fails before the slave has applied all events.
- Synchronous replication: In this method, the master waits for the slave to acknowledge receipt and successful application of each event before committing the changes locally. This ensures that data on the slave is always up-to-date with the master, but it can impact performance due to increased latency.
- Semi-Synchronous replication: A compromise between asynchronous and synchronous replication. The master waits for at least one slave to acknowledge receipt of an event before committing the change locally.
In summary, MySQL database replication is a method for maintaining consistent data copies across multiple database servers. It's an effective strategy for improving performance, data redundancy, and disaster recovery capabilities in a MySQL environment.
Methods to Setup MySQL database replication
Setting up MySQL database replication is essential for data redundancy, high availability, and load balancing. Here are the steps to set up MySQL database replication using the master-slave replication model.
Method 1: MySQL database replications using master-slave approach
MySQL database replication using the Master-Slave approach involves setting up a master database which acts as a master server that serves as the source of truth, and one or more slave databases or slave servers that replicate data from the master. This approach provides redundancy, load distribution, and can be used for backup purposes as well. Before you proceed, ensure you have a good understanding of MySQL, database administration, and server management. Here's a step-by-step guide to carry out a MySQL database replication using the Master-Slave approach:
Step 1: Set up Master Database Server
- Install MySQL: Install MySQL on the master server if it's not already installed.
- Configure Master: In the MySQL configuration file (`my.cnf` or `my.ini`), configure the following settings:
Server-id should be unique among all the servers involved in replication. Restart MySQL: Restart the MySQL server to apply the configuration changes.
Step 2: Set up Slave Database Server
- Install MySQL: Install MySQL on the slave server(s).
- Configure Slave: In the MySQL configuration file of each slave, configure the following settings:
server-id=2 # Use a unique value for each slave
Restart MySQL: Restart the MySQL server on each slave.
Step 3: Create Replication User on Master
Log in to the master database as a privileged user:
CREATE USER 'replication_user'@'slave_ip' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@'slave_ip';
Replace ”slave_ip” with the IP address of the slave server and “password” with a strong password.
Obtain Master Status: Run the following command to obtain information about the master binary log position:
Note down the values of “File” and “Position”.
Step 4: Configure Slave Replication
On each slave, run the following SQL command:
Replace “master_ip”, “password”, “'master_log_file_name”, and “master_log_position” with the appropriate values. These values should correspond to the master's information obtained in the above step.
Step 5: Test nadMonitor Replication
Make changes to the master database and verify that they are replicated to the slave(s). On the master, use the SHOW MASTER STATUS command to monitor the binary log position. On each slave, use the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command to monitor the replication status and catch any errors.
Handle Failures:
- In case of slave failure, you can promote another slave to become a new master.
- In case of master failure, promote one of the slaves to be the new master, update the configuration on other slaves to point to the new master, and reconfigure the application to connect to the new master.
Remember that this is a simplified guide, and there are many additional considerations for a production level setup such as security, backup strategies, handling conflicts, and which might vary for different systems and environments. Always refer to the official MySQL documentation and seek expert guidance for complex setups or you can always go for a low-code tool like Fivetran.
Method 2: MySQL database replications using fivetran
The process of setting up MySQL database replication involves selecting a connection method, configuring the chosen method, choosing an incremental sync mechanism, creating a read replica if needed, creating a user for Fivetran, and completing the Fivetran configuration.
Step 1: Choose Connection Method
First, you need to determine the method for connecting Fivetran to your MySQL database. You can choose to connect directly, via an SSH tunnel, or by using AWS PrivateLink. Note that connecting to a load balancer is not supported.
- Connect directly (TLS Required): If you opt for a direct connection, ensure that your database has TLS enabled. This method involves Fivetran connecting directly to your MySQL database, which is the simplest approach. Configure your firewall and access control systems to allow incoming connections from Fivetran's IPs for your database's region.
- Connect using SSH (TLS Optional): For databases in inaccessible subnets, Fivetran connects to a separate server in your network via an SSH tunnel. Configure your firewall to permit connections from the SSH tunnel server's IP address to your MySQL port. Follow Fivetran's SSH connection instructions and enable TLS on your database if needed.
- Connect using AWS privatelink (Beta): For Business Critical plan users, AWS PrivateLink offers a secure method for VPCs and services to communicate without exposing traffic to the public internet. Follow Fivetran's AWS PrivateLink setup guide to configure this connection method for your database.
Step 2: Choose Incremental Sync Mechanism
To keep data up to date after the initial synchronization, Fivetran uses either the Binary log or Fivetran Teleport Sync methods. Both methods maintain a record of recent data changes, enabling Fivetran to update only the data that has changed since the last sync.
Step 3: Create Read Replica (Optional)
If desired, you can create a read replica specifically for Fivetran's use. This read replica allows Fivetran to integrate data without adding strain to your primary database, as both use the same internal system.
Step 4: Create User and Configure Incremental Updates
In your MySQL primary database, create a user dedicated to Fivetran's use. This user cannot be created in the read replica. The method for creating this user varies depending on the incremental update mechanism you're using (Binary log or Fivetran Teleport Sync).
- Configure server: Apply the necessary configurations to the databases you intend to connect to Fivetran. These configurations enable ROW format binary log replication, a requirement for incremental updates. Make these changes in your MySQL server configuration file, restart the MySQL server to implement them.
- Configure replica for history mode (optional): If your Fivetran connector operates in history mode and is connected to a read replica, specific configurations are needed. Check the value of slave_parallel_workers on your read replica, and if needed, run additional commands to update related variables.
- Fivetran teleport sync: For this method, create a Fivetran user and grant SELECT permissions on tables and columns as required.
Step 5: Finish Fivetran Configuration
In the Fivetran connector setup form, provide necessary details including destination schema prefix, database host's IP or domain, port number, Fivetran-specific user credentials, and connection method specifics. If applicable, provide SSH tunnel details and replica ID. After testing and validation, your MySQL database can be synchronized with Fivetran.
By following these organized steps, you can smoothly establish a reliable and efficient connection between Fivetran and your MySQL database, facilitating seamless data synchronization and integration. You only need to authenticate the MySQL server with Fivetran once which will hardly take a few minutes. Upon successful setup, you can start syncing data using Fivetran. You can now replicate your data anywhere and any number of times whether it be cloud database or data warehouse. For more details you can go through this detailed MySQL set up guide.
Advantages of using fivetran
The following are some major benefits of utilizing Fivetran for MySQL database replication:
- Seamless data integration: Fivetran provides pre-built connections for many different data sources, including MySQL and all of its variants, as well as for many other data warehouses, like Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, etc., eliminating the need for manual scripting or complex settings. As a result, the process of integrating data is sped up and made easier.
- Automated workflows: Automated workflows help with consistent and regular data synchronization by automating the data loading procedure. It manages incremental updates, data format changes, and schema revisions by reducing manual participation and upholding data integrity.
- Data transformation capabilities: Users can execute customized data transformations before entering the data into the data warehouse thanks to the system's powerful data transformation features. In order to ensure that the data is ready for analysis, this enables the cleaning, normalization, and enhancement of the data.
- Monitoring and alerting: It offers tools for monitoring and alerting so that you can maintain tabs on the progress of the data integration process. It provides error correction, visibility into data loading metrics, and notifications for any new problems.
- Data source flexibility: Fivetran offers a large selection of data sources. By establishing connections to various databases, cloud services, and apps, it enables businesses to aggregate data from numerous sources into data warehouses like BigQuery, Redshift, etc.
- Saving time and resources: Fivetran conserves time and resources by automating the data loading procedure and removing the need for manual involvement. Now that the data is loaded, teams may concentrate on data analysis and drawing conclusions.
Finally, MySQL database replication is a crucial tool that enables businesses to improve their data management and system resilience. Replication guarantees that data is consistent and up-to-date across numerous instances. Increased availability, enhanced performance, and the capacity to efficiently disperse workloads are all delivered by this method. Furthermore, disaster recovery capabilities are improved by having the option to smoothly transition to a slave database in the event of a master failure.
Carrying out MySQL database replication tasks might be tedious as well because of the variation in different environments and the significant engineering bandwidth it would require. This is where you can leverage a near real-time low-code tool, Fivetran. There is no need for any coding because it can automate your replication task. You can also visit Connector Directory | Fivetran, to explore various other connectors supported by Fivetran.
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