How to use Fivetran and Databricks to move data and innovate

How to use Fivetran and Databricks to move data and innovate

Accelerate data movement into the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform to execute analytic workloads, AI and GenAI.

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Your data strategy is the foundation for your AI strategy

Your data strategy is the foundation for your AI strategy

Learn why successful AI initiatives require a well-executed data foundation to drive business value.

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MIT research: Data readiness is key to AI readiness

MIT research: Data readiness is key to AI readiness

What do 82% of global executives say is crucial for AI success? MIT's latest findings highlight the importance of effective data integration.

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Build your own RAG-based GenAI application in 30 minutes

Build your own RAG-based GenAI application in 30 minutes

Learn to build a GenAI app with Fivetran, Snowflake, Cortex, Arctic and Streamlit in our hands-on lab at Snowflake Data Cloud Summit 2024.

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Fivetran and the Fosfor Decision Cloud: Automating AI workflows

Fivetran and the Fosfor Decision Cloud: Automating AI workflows

Learn how this partnership streamlines AI processes to drive impactful decisions and maximize business outcomes.

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Closing the AI confidence gap is key to maximizing potential

Closing the AI confidence gap is key to maximizing potential

New research shows overconfidence about AI could lead to a higher risk of failure and costly mistakes amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars.

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Lacking AI readiness grows dissonance between business leaders

Lacking AI readiness grows dissonance between business leaders

Hakkoda’s 2024 State of Data report found misalignment between data leaders on AI readiness

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Accelerate GenAI apps with Fivetran Google Cloud BQ and Vertex AI

Accelerate GenAI apps with Fivetran Google Cloud BQ and Vertex AI

Fivetran and Google Cloud synergize incredibly well, bringing generative AI to your fingertips.

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How to prepare for the EU AI Act

How to prepare for the EU AI Act

New legislation affirms the governance and security responsibilities of all organizations doing business in the EU.

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Building a chatbot with Fivetran and LangChain

Building a chatbot with Fivetran and LangChain

Build your own generative AI chatbot! This post is a continuation of our earlier blog post, “Assembling a RAG architecture using Fivetran.”

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New AI survey: Poor data quality leads to $406 million in losses

New AI survey: Poor data quality leads to $406 million in losses

Underperforming AI programs/models built using low-quality or inaccurate data cost companies up to 6% of annual revenue on average.

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How to win at GenAI: Advice from Fivetran & Databricks CEOs

How to win at GenAI: Advice from Fivetran & Databricks CEOs

Founders of the world’s leading data companies share their insights on the latest trends in their industry and the keys to turning generative AI into business impact.

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10 bold predictions for AI in 2024

10 bold predictions for AI in 2024

From personal AI to the data that’ll train it, browse our bets on how AI develops in 2024 and beyond.

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