Get featured on the Fivetran Data Podcast  

We’re producing new episodes of the Fivetran Data Podcast and looking for senior data professionals and industry experts to weigh in on the topics that matter in the enterprise today. We're excited to consider having you on the show to help our listeners level up their leadership and increase impact within their organizations.  

You're all set

Someone from our team will be in touch with more details.

Podcast guest FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions we get. If this doesn’t answer your questions, please reach out to us at

What is the the Fivetran Data Podcast?

The Fivetran Data Podcast highlights insightful interviews with some of the most successful data leaders today and their unique perspectives on using data to transform their businesses and drive innovation.

Who are you trying to reach with this podcast? 

Data impacts every role. This is your opportunity to perk up the ears of data-curious individuals, from fellow executives to professionals across industries.

What topics do you cover?

The Fivetran Data Podcast is all about the big ideas — from digital transformation and cloud strategy to AI/ML/generative AI and more.

Do I have to be from a specific industry? 

Data drives decisions in every industry — so we welcome guests from any. As long as you’re a data leader, we want to hear your story, your strategy and your perspective.

What is the format of the podcast?

The Fivetran Data Podcast is a video podcast, recorded remotely (so no travel is required) with a casual interview style. Think colleagues talking over a cup of coffee.

How do you distribute your episodes?

The Fivetran Data Podcast is released bi-weekly anywhere you listen to your podcasts (Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more) — along with a video version hosted on YouTube and our website.

How long is the recording time? 

We’ll chat over a one hour recording, and then edit down for an approximately 20-30 minute show.

Can I review the recording before it’s released? 

Yes, we’re happy to share the recording before releasing it.