
Data Extraction: Everything you need to know

Data Extraction: Everything you need to know

March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Data Extraction: Everything you need to know
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In this article we help you understand what exactly “data extraction” involves. Being familiar with the ETL process in detail, you are well on your way to managing your data more efficiently.

Data Extraction is the critical first step in the data integration process and is often overlooked. Data must be extracted from a variety of sources before it can be analyzed or put to use. This process often includes extraction, transformation, and load (ETL) stages to help you get maximum benefit out of the data access. With this in mind, finding the right data integration tool is paramount for businesses that need to analyze different types of data coming from various sources. 

In this article we help you understand what exactly “data extraction” involves. Being familiar with the ETL process in detail, you are well on your way to managing your data more efficiently.

What is Data Extraction? 

Data extraction refers to the process of retrieving and collecting data from various sources, which may have different formats, structures, and levels of organization. This data may come from disparate systems, databases, applications, or websites, and may be stored in various formats such as text files, spreadsheets, databases, or web pages. Data extraction involves identifying relevant data sources, using various techniques such as web scraping, querying databases, or parsing files to extract the data, and then consolidating and refining it so that it can be transformed and stored in a centralized location. This location may be on-premises, in the cloud, or a combination of both. 

The ultimate goal of data extraction is to obtain high-quality, usable data that can be analyzed, processed, or used for various purposes such as reporting, visualization, or machine learning.

What are the types of data extraction?

Data extraction is a process that leverages automation technologies to streamline manual data entry. Such processes can be put into three distinct types:

Full extraction: 

When it comes time to transfer data from one system to another, sometimes a full extraction is the best approach. This method requires all available data to be pulled from its original source before being sent to the destination. 

Full extraction is the staple choice for when the target system needs to be populated for the first time, making sure that everything required is collected in a one-time process. Though not without potential pitfalls or overhead costs, it does make life a bit simpler for future processes and ensures accuracy when starting off with important data.

Incremental stream extraction:

Incremental stream extraction is the process of taking only the data that has been altered since the last extraction. The main advantage of this system over traditional full extraction is efficiency. 

Using incremental stream extraction helps to save time, bandwidth, computing resources and storage space by not having to transfer redundant data each time a complete record extraction occurs. 

This technique is also beneficial in that it enables systems to remain constantly up-to-date with minimal effort or headache. As such, this approach represents an important milestone in increasing the accuracy of data sharing.

Incremental batch extraction:

Incremental batch extraction is a process used when dealing with large data sets that can't be processed in one go. It simply involves breaking the data set into smaller chunks and extracting the data from them separately, thus allowing faor greater efficiency when handling large amounts of information. Instead of needing to wait for a huge file to complete processing, this method allows for several smaller files to finish processing in quick succession. 

Moreover, such files also tend to put less strain on resources so that flowing batches are easier to manage. In sum, incremental batch extraction proves itself to be an incredibly useful tool when managing vast amounts of data.

What is data extraction used for? 

Data extraction is an incredibly useful and important tool for modern businesses. It enables companies to quickly collect targeted information from websites, databases and other digital sources, allowing them to gain insight into trends and make well-informed decisions. 

By automating the data extraction process it can save organizations time, much of which would otherwise be spent manually searching or inputting data. Companies are also able to reduce costs by relying on data extraction services which accurately extract desired information without the need for expensive hardware or labor. 

In addition, data extraction technology is used frequently around the world to provide individuals and organizations with a faster and more reliable way to access enormous amounts of data that would normally be difficult or impossible to obtain manually. The possibilities for how data extraction can help organizations are seemingly limitless - its use is only limited by our imagination.

Data Extraction vs ETL

Data extraction and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) are two important processes involved in managing data in modern businesses. While they are related, they refer to different aspects of data management.

Data extraction is the process of retrieving data from various sources such as databases, web pages, and APIs, and making it available for further processing or analysis. The data can be in structured or unstructured formats and can be stored in various locations. Data extraction involves identifying the relevant data sources, determining the data to be extracted, and retrieving the data using appropriate tools or techniques.

On the other hand, ETL is a broader process that involves data extraction, transformation, and loading into a target database or data warehouse. ETL is used to integrate data from multiple sources, transform it into a consistent format, and load it into a target system. 

The transformation process involves cleaning, filtering, and manipulating the data to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and consistent. The target system may be a data warehouse or a business intelligence tool used for reporting and analysis.

Data extraction is a subset of the ETL process that involves retrieving data from various sources, while ETL involves data extraction, transformation, and loading into a target system.

Data Extraction without ETL

When it comes to data extraction, you may be tempted to take a traditional approach outside of ETL, but as you know, there are some limitations and potential drawbacks that come with this choice. 

For starters, extracted data may not be properly organized or compatible with newer programs and applications if data transformation and loading is not carried out. Utilizing an advanced data integration tool like ETL will allow for a thorough transformation and loading of the pertinent data into its target system, making it more analyzable and valuable in the long run.

Disadvantages of Data Extraction without ETL: 

Performing data extraction without ETL can have several disadvantages, including:

Lack of standardization: Without ETL, the data may be retrieved from multiple sources in different formats, making it difficult to standardize and normalize the data for analysis. This can result in inconsistencies and errors in the data.

Time-consuming and error-prone: Data extraction without ETL may involve manual data cleaning, filtering, and manipulation, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. This can lead to inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the data.

Limited scalability: Without ETL, managing large or complex datasets can be challenging, as the process of manually cleaning and transforming the data becomes increasingly difficult as the volume of data grows.

Lack of automation: Data extraction without ETL requires more manual intervention, making it difficult to automate the process. This can limit the ability to quickly and easily retrieve and analyze data from multiple sources.

Increased risk of data loss: Without ETL, data may be lost or corrupted during the extraction process, especially when dealing with large or complex datasets. ETL provides features such as error handling and data validation to mitigate these risks.

Data Extraction Vs Data Ingestion: 

Data extraction and data ingestion are two distinct activities, yet they often overlap slightly. Data extraction is the process of retrieving information from a given source, such as a database or website. This data can then be manipulated, filtered or structured to create useful insights. Conversely, data ingestion is the process of taking that structured information and integrating it into an external system for further analysis and understanding. 

For example, a business may extract web traffic information from Analytics and ingest it into their own internal reporting system so they can draw further conclusions about their customer base. These two activities are essential for transforming raw data into valuable insights which can be used to improve business decisions and operations.

Examples of Data extraction: 

Data extraction is a process of retrieving data from various sources, such as databases, web pages, and APIs. Here are some examples of data extraction:

Extracting data from a database: A company may extract data from its internal databases to perform analysis, reporting, or other tasks. For example, a marketing team may extract customer data from a database to analyze customer behavior and preferences.

Web scraping: Web scraping involves extracting data from web pages using automated tools. For example, a company may extract pricing data from competitor websites to perform market analysis.

Extracting data from social media: Companies may extract data from social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to analyze customer sentiment or track mentions of their brand.

Extracting data from IoT devices: Companies may extract data from IoT devices such as sensors, smart meters, or cameras to perform analysis or control operations. For example, a company may extract data from sensors in a manufacturing plant to monitor production metrics.

Extracting data from APIs: APIs provide a way for applications to access data from external sources. Companies may extract data from APIs provided by other companies or services to integrate data into their own systems or perform analysis.

There are many different sources and methods for data extraction, depending on the specific use case and the type of data being extracted.

Advantages of Using Data Extraction Tool 

There are several advantages to using a data extraction tool, including:

Increased efficiency: Data extraction tools can automate the process of extracting data from various sources, making it much faster and more efficient than manual methods.

Improved accuracy: Manual data extraction can be prone to errors, but automated tools can extract data accurately and consistently, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies in the data.

Standardization: Data extraction tools can standardize the format of data from different sources, making it easier to integrate and analyze data.

Flexibility: Data extraction tools can extract data from a wide range of sources, including databases, web pages, and APIs, making it possible to gather data from multiple sources in one place.

Customization: Data extraction tools can be customized to meet the specific needs of a business or organization, allowing users to extract data in the format and frequency that best suits their needs.

Cost-effective: Data extraction tools can save time and reduce the need for manual labor, which can ultimately reduce costs for businesses and organizations.

Data integration: Data extraction tools can help with data integration by extracting data from multiple sources and integrating it into a central repository, making it easier to analyze and use for decision-making. These benefits can help businesses and organizations make better use of their data, leading to better decision-making and improved outcomes.

How fivetran can help with Data Extraction 

Fivetran is an automated data extraction platform designed to make the process of uploading data from various sources into your data warehouse extremely quick and easy. With fivetran, you can quickly identify and connect data from a wide range of sources, from databases including Oracle, SQL Server and Postgres to SaaS tools such as Salesforce and Zendesk. 

Once connected, fivetran will then automatically extract your data in real time and store it in a central location for immediate access. This eliminates the need for manual scripting or downloading and maintaining different files for each source, allowing you to focus on other aspects of running your business. 

In addition, fivetran's secure connection protocol ensures that all data is extracted securely without any risk of corruption or loss. In short, fivetran provides an efficient way to help you easily manage and integrate your entire data infrastructure.


In conclusion, data extraction is an essential process for businesses and organizations looking to gain insights and make informed decisions. With the help of data extraction tools, businesses can extract data from various sources quickly and accurately, enabling them to analyze and make sense of the data. 

Additionally, automated data extraction tools like Fivetran can simplify the process and provide a range of benefits, including improved efficiency, accuracy, standardization, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. As data continues to grow in importance, data extraction will remain a crucial part of the data management process for businesses and organizations of all sizes.

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