DACH Customer Stories

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Sennder drives freight operations with 30K+ dashboards powered by Fivetran

Banxware saves €140,000 per year on data engineering with Fivetran

Dance reduces customer acquisition costs by 20% with Fivetran

Engel & Völkers uses Fivetran to complement its analytics platform, gaining real-time operational insights

Divbrands saves the equivalent of three full-time data engineers and boosts Return on Ad Spend by 15 % with Fivetran

Hashtag You is building next-gen social media brands with Fivetran

Fivetran helps fix pain points as Frontify grows its branding platform

Schüttflix, a construction marketplace, uses Fivetran as its digital building block

How Fivetran centralised DOUGLAS’ 200+ data sources

Lufthansa: Using real-time information for flight planning with Fivetran

MyCamper Starts Data-Driven Journey With Fivetran

Westwing boosts marketing ROI with Fivetran

Paul Hewitt accelerates ecommerce with Fivetran & Databricks

Fivetran accelerates online auto trading for CarOnSale

Malt’s Data Team Saves 70% of Data Engineering Time With Fivetran

Billie’s Need for Speed and Ease-of-Use Met by Fivetran

Meditopia Transforms Data Analytics With Fivetran and dbt

Fivetran Enables Wunderflats’ Business Critical Data Strategy

Exporo Leaves ELT to Fivetran, Invests in a Data Culture

Keller Sports Saves 50% of IT Time With Fully Managed Pipelines

With Centralised Data, Homeday Optimises Marketing Campaigns and Activity

Accelerate your business with database replication

Join thousands of companies using Fivetran to centralize and transform their data.

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