Move data from nearly any SaaS app with Lite connectors

Customers can realize the same fully managed experience they have with our standard connectors and bring all their data into one platform.
February 8, 2023

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of Fivetran Lite connectors — a new offering that will allow us to bring more SaaS connectors to market faster than ever before.

Organizations have typically managed data ingestion from less popular applications through open-source solutions or leaned on their internal data teams to manually build and maintain homegrown data pipelines.

With Lite connectors, Fivetran customers can realize the same fully-managed experience they have with our standard connectors and centralize data from all of their most business-critical SaaS applications. Okta, Slack, Chargebee, Gong, and WooCommerce are among the 400+ Lite connectors currently live, and more are on the way.

An exciting component of the release of Lite connectors is the concurrent launch of the By Request Program. This program gives our customers the opportunity to work directly with our Product team to ensure we can get the data that is needed from the service’s APIs. Lite connectors are built for more niche use cases compared to our standard connectors, so partnering with our customers in the build process ensures we prioritize the use cases that will deliver immediate value.

Fivetran Lite connectors vs standard connectors

Lite connectors differ from Fivetran’s existing or standard connectors in a couple of ways. Two of the main differences are the starting point in the build process for schema design and the phases in the release cycle. In order to build Lite connectors at an accelerated pace, the schema design step begins with the available API rather than an analysis of the application’s workflow as outlined in this blog.

Additionally, Lite connectors go directly from the private preview stage to general availability, recognizing that there may only be one customer (the requestor) who is using a specific connector at first.

A full comparison of Lite connectors and standard connectors is shown in the table below.

Lites Standard
Use case coverage Partial or specific use case coverage Complete or near complete use case coverage
Schema design steps Starts with the available API Starts with analyzing the application workflow
Release cycle PP -> GA PP -> Beta -> GA
Development prioritization Full SLA based on pricing plan; enhancement response time will differ Full SLA based on pricing plan
SLA By request build process for connectors that are unavailable today Build for most popular sources to meet the needs of the majority of the market
Pricing Consumption-based MAR Consumption-based MAR

How to get started

You can find the full list of available Lite connectors here and learn more about the By Request program in our product documentation.


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Move data from nearly any SaaS app with Lite connectors

Move data from nearly any SaaS app with Lite connectors

February 8, 2023
February 8, 2023
Move data from nearly any SaaS app with Lite connectors
Customers can realize the same fully managed experience they have with our standard connectors and bring all their data into one platform.

Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of Fivetran Lite connectors — a new offering that will allow us to bring more SaaS connectors to market faster than ever before.

Organizations have typically managed data ingestion from less popular applications through open-source solutions or leaned on their internal data teams to manually build and maintain homegrown data pipelines.

With Lite connectors, Fivetran customers can realize the same fully-managed experience they have with our standard connectors and centralize data from all of their most business-critical SaaS applications. Okta, Slack, Chargebee, Gong, and WooCommerce are among the 400+ Lite connectors currently live, and more are on the way.

An exciting component of the release of Lite connectors is the concurrent launch of the By Request Program. This program gives our customers the opportunity to work directly with our Product team to ensure we can get the data that is needed from the service’s APIs. Lite connectors are built for more niche use cases compared to our standard connectors, so partnering with our customers in the build process ensures we prioritize the use cases that will deliver immediate value.

Fivetran Lite connectors vs standard connectors

Lite connectors differ from Fivetran’s existing or standard connectors in a couple of ways. Two of the main differences are the starting point in the build process for schema design and the phases in the release cycle. In order to build Lite connectors at an accelerated pace, the schema design step begins with the available API rather than an analysis of the application’s workflow as outlined in this blog.

Additionally, Lite connectors go directly from the private preview stage to general availability, recognizing that there may only be one customer (the requestor) who is using a specific connector at first.

A full comparison of Lite connectors and standard connectors is shown in the table below.

Lites Standard
Use case coverage Partial or specific use case coverage Complete or near complete use case coverage
Schema design steps Starts with the available API Starts with analyzing the application workflow
Release cycle PP -> GA PP -> Beta -> GA
Development prioritization Full SLA based on pricing plan; enhancement response time will differ Full SLA based on pricing plan
SLA By request build process for connectors that are unavailable today Build for most popular sources to meet the needs of the majority of the market
Pricing Consumption-based MAR Consumption-based MAR

How to get started

You can find the full list of available Lite connectors here and learn more about the By Request program in our product documentation.


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Schließen auch Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die ihre Daten mithilfe von Fivetran zentralisieren und transformieren.

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