Developing SQL for Zendesk Ticket Metrics

Use SQL queries with Zendesk data to assess help desk performance by employing metrics that offer quantitative insight into the efficiency of support teams.
August 17, 2018

One of the cornerstones of assessing both the performance of support teams and the satisfaction of customers is the formulation of metrics which can give quantitative insight into the efficiency of support teams. Companies using Zendesk services have the opportunity to calculate several types of such metrics, chief among them being the number of Zendesk tickets closed, ticket distribution, and response time. Here we will primarily focus on response time, and discuss the methods and queries you can use to determine the number of business hours it takes for a given ticket to be solved.

Discussing Zendesk ticket metrics, Fivetran Head of Support Tom Davies observes, “Response time and wait time are the most valuable metrics. Ideally, we want to be very quick.” Furthermore, wait time could be a potential indicator of customer dissatisfaction because “the longer you wait the more dissatisfied customers might become.” On the other hand, resolution time is important because “it helps to understand the total elapsed time, from when the case is opened to when it is resolved. This metric can point to additional training needed—or to support members required to reinvestigate the issue.” While it is relatively uncomplicated to calculate how long a particular Zendesk ticket was open, such information might not be of great use in examining the performance of your support organization. Instead, it is more important to calculate how long a particular ticket was open during business operating hours. This metric offers much better insight into the efficiency of your support organization.

Key Challenge and Proposed Solution

The key challenge is to “extract” any overlapping time occurring between regular business hours and the time during which a ticket is open. We may present this problem using the following illustration.

The continuous line above represents the time that a ticket might be open during specific week(s). The discontinuous lines below the ticket line represent regular business operations hours. The goal here is to find the sum (in minutes or hours) of all overlaps between the ticket line and the business operations lines. To do this, we consider three separate scenarios for the location of the ticket line in relation to the business lines:

  1. The ticket is open between two business operation times, and there are overlaps (also: the ticket line might cross multiple business operation lines).
  2. The ticket is open only during business operation times.
  3. The ticket is not open during any business operation times, i.e, it took 0 business-operations minutes to solve the ticket.

Within the Zendesk schema (note that this schema may also have a custom name depending on the organization) there are three tables that contain the data describing the ticket open hours and the business operation hours. The first is .ticket which contains the identification of the ticket ( and the creation time (ticket.created_at) in UTC as a timestamp.

Next, the .ticket_field_history table contains the ticket ID (ticket_field_history.ticket_id), solution time and a value for solution status. Lastly, the .schedule table contains the business operation times in UTC. However, the format is quite different from the creation time in the “ticket” table. The business operation start and end times are described as the number of minutes that have passed from Sunday at midnight in a given week. This format, therefore, already poses some difficulties. Consequently, the best course of action in this case is to convert the ticket creation and solution times into the same format as the business operation times. After accomplishing this, it is possible to find the total time that the ticket has been open by computing the difference between the solution and creation times. Lastly, by matching or overlapping the minutes that the ticket has passed through with the business operation hours, it is possible find the number of business minutes/hours that it took to solve the ticket. In SQL, this is done by joining the table that describes the ticket open minutes with the table that describes the business operation times.

The Solution in SQL

To illustrate our solution, let us examine the query written in Standard SQL. This SQL engine is implemented primarily within the Google BigQuery data warehouse.

The query is composed of three main parts. The first part derives the ticket creation and solution times, and converts these timestamps into the same format as seen in schedule table. This is a necessary step because it is rather challenging to convert business operation times (in the format that they were given) into timestamps.

In the subquery below, the creation time in minutes, from the beginning of the week, is calculated by truncating the timestamp to the Sunday of the week—and finding the minute-difference between Sunday and the creation time of the ticket. Using the same method, we can also calculate the total minutes the ticket existed (raw_delta_in_minutes). Lastly, we ensure that the ticket has indeed been solved using the “where” clause.

with ticket_solved_time as ( select as ticket_id, ticket.created_at as created_at, round(timestamp_diff(created_at, timestamp_trunc(created_at, week), second)/60, 0) as start_time_in_minutes_from_week, round(timestamp_diff(max(ticket_field_history.updated), created_at, second)/60, 0) as raw_delta_in_minutes from [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket_field_history on = ticket_field_history.ticket_id where ticket_field_history.value = 'solved' group by 1,2,3),

In the next subquery, the number of minutes for each of the weeks that the ticket was open is calculated. This is done by first creating an array from 0 to the floor of the quotient of the number of minutes during which the ticket was open—and the number of hours there are in a week. Then, for each of the weeks, the number of open minutes is populated in the weekly_periods table.

weekly_periods as ( select ticket_id, start_time_in_minutes_from_week, raw_delta_in_minutes, week_number, greatest(0, start_time_in_minutes_from_week - week_number * (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_start_time, least(start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes - week_number * (7*24*60), (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_end_time from ticket_solved_time, unnest(generate_array(0, floor((start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes) / (7*24*60)), 1)) as week_number),

In the final subquery, we employ the same logic used in the solution described above. Within the query, we join the “schedule” table with the table from the previous subquery. At the same time, we find the minimum between the number of minutes after which the ticket was closed (ticket_week_end_time) and the ending minute of the schedule. Then we calculate the maximum between the starting minute of the ticket and the starting time of the schedule. Lastly, we find the difference between the two values for each, and find the sum of all overlaps between the ticket and the business hours. Using this method, we are thus able to “capture” the overlaps between the business hours and the ticket open hours.

intercepted_periods as ( select ticket_id, week_number, ticket_week_start_time, ticket_week_end_time, schedule.start_time_utc as schedule_start_time, schedule.end_time_utc as schedule_end_time, least(ticket_week_end_time, schedule.end_time_utc) - greatest(ticket_week_start_time, schedule.start_time_utc) as scheduled_minutes from weekly_periods join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].schedule on ticket_week_start_time <= schedule.end_time_utc and ticket_week_end_time >= schedule.start_time_utc ) select ticket_id, round(sum(scheduled_minutes)) as scheduled_minutes from intercepted_periods group by 1 order by 1

In the end, all the overlapping minutes are summed and presented as a table with two fields showing the ticket ID and the number of business minutes it took to solve the ticket.

Producing the SQL Query to Run in Other Engines

As it happens, it is possible to “translate” this query from Standard SQL to either PostgreSQL or MySQL. These SQL engines are widely used by popular warehouses. Often, these warehouses expand upon the possibilities of what can be done using the SQL engine that they rely on. Nevertheless, the general logic of the query will remain the same.

Below is the PostgreSQL version of our query. Both Amazon Redshift and the PostgreSQL warehouse rely on the PostgreSQL engine (with Amazon Redshift SQL having slight syntactical differences).

with ticket_solved_time as ( select as ticket_id, ticket.created_at as created_at, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (created_at - date_trunc('week', created_at)))/60 + 1440 as start_time_in_minutes_from_week, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((max(ticket_field_history.updated) - created_at)))/60 as raw_delta_in_minutes from [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket_field_history on = ticket_field_history.ticket_id where ticket_field_history.value = 'solved' group by 1,2,3 ), generate_array as ( select distinct generate_series(0, cast((start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes)/(7*24*60) as int),1) as week_number from ticket_solved_time ), weekly_periods as ( select ticket_id, start_time_in_minutes_from_week, raw_delta_in_minutes, week_number, greatest(0, start_time_in_minutes_from_week - week_number * (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_start_time, least(start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes - week_number * (7*24*60), (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_end_time from ticket_solved_time, generate_array ), intercepted_periods as ( select ticket_id, week_number, ticket_week_start_time, ticket_week_end_time, schedule.start_time_utc as schedule_start_time, schedule.end_time_utc as schedule_end_time, least(ticket_week_end_time, schedule.end_time_utc) - greatest(ticket_week_start_time, schedule.start_time_utc) as scheduled_minutes from weekly_periods join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].schedule on ticket_week_start_time <= schedule.end_time_utc and ticket_week_end_time >= schedule.start_time_utc ) select ticket_id, round(sum(scheduled_minutes)) as scheduled_minutes from intercepted_periods group by 1 order by 1

Some features, such as lists and arrays, are not supported by Redshift. Consequently, instead of generating arrays, as we have done in the above query using generate_series(), we can generate a table containing consecutive numbers starting from 1. One way of doing this would be to use the stl_connection_log system table that logs authentication attempts and connections/disconnections. This method enables the creation of a table containing consecutive integers by replacing the generate_array subquery in the above PostgreSQL version with:

number_arrays as ( select 1 from stl_connection_log limit 100 ), generate_array as ( select row_number() over (order by 1) as week_number from number_arrays )

As a side note, the version of the query produced for organizations using Amazon Redshift also works for organizations relying on the Periscope and Panpoly warehouses. This is because both Periscope and Panopoly warehouses employ the Redshift SQL engine.

Notice that the differences between the queries in Standard SQL and PostgreSQL are not great, occurring mostly within the first subquery. In lines 4 and 5, the Standard BigQuery SQL functions timstamp_diff() and timstamp_trunc() are replaced by date_trunc() and EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM()) in PostgreSQL. The unnest(generate_array()) is replaced by a separate subquery of “generate_array”—which uses the generate_series() function to create a series from 0 to the week_number. Since it is challenging to use the unnest() function for unnesting series values in PostgreSQL, it is better to create a separate “generate_array” subquery where consecutive integers starting from 1 will be stored. These integers will denote the indexes for each of the weeks during which the ticket was open. MySQL also provides similar functions for manipulating dates and date formats. You can employ the version of the query presented below if your organization uses the MySQL and Snowflake warehouses.

with ticket_solved_time as ( select as ticket_id, ticket.created_at as created_at, datediff(minute ,date_trunc('week', created_at), created_at) + 1440 as start_time_in_minutes_from_week, datediff(minute,created_at, max(ticket_field_history.updated)) as raw_delta_in_minutes from [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket_field_history on = ticket_field_history.ticket_id where ticket_field_history.value = 'solved' group by 1,2,3), generate_arrays as ( select seq4() as week_number from table(generator(rowcount => 1000)) as week_number), weekly_periods as ( select ticket_id, start_time_in_minutes_from_week, raw_delta_in_minutes, week_number, greatest(0, start_time_in_minutes_from_week - week_number * (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_start_time, least(start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes - week_number * (7*24*60), (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_end_time from ticket_solved_time, generate_arrays ), intercepted_periods as ( select ticket_id, week_number, ticket_week_start_time, ticket_week_end_time, schedule.start_time as schedule_start_time, schedule.end_time as schedule_end_time, least(ticket_week_end_time, schedule.end_time) - greatest(ticket_week_start_time, schedule.start_time) as scheduled_minutes from weekly_periods join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].schedule on ticket_week_start_time <= schedule.end_time_utc and ticket_week_end_time >= schedule.start_time_utc ) select ticket_id, round(sum(scheduled_minutes)) as scheduled_minutes from intercepted_periods group by 1 order by 1 limit 1;

As seen above in the MySQL version of the query, timstamp_diff() is replaced by the datediff() function, while the function for truncating a given date is the same as it is in the PostgreSQL version of the query. Furthermore, since arrays are not supported in MySQL, we once again rely on a table in which we populate the entries of the array (lines 9 to 10). The rest of the subqueries match the structure and the syntax of the previous versions of the query. For warehouses, such as Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse, which neither support range-based arrays nor rely on any of the SQL engines mentioned above, it is possible to use a table of containing consecutive integers. In addition, analogous functions for truncating dates and finding differences between dates in minutes also exist in Microsoft Azure. For instance, we could use cast(floor(cast( as float)) as datetime) to truncate a particular date.

Notice also that, within the first subqueries of both the MySQL and PostgreSQL versions of the query that an additional “1440” value is added to the value of the start_time_in_minutes_from_week. This is because the functions for truncating days of the week in the Standard SQL and in PostgreSQL/MySQL version differ in the default day of the week that is used to truncate a given date. As you might guess, one version uses Sunday, while the other uses Monday. Hence, the additional 1440 minutes. Therefore, when producing the query in other SQL engines, it is important to keep in mind this difference in the way dates are truncated.

In summary, the differences between the different versions of the query are not only strictly syntactical (in terms of the names of the functions implemented), but they also arise from the extent to which certain features are supported in a particular SQL engine. Generally, the SQL engines used by each of the warehouses either support arrays and lists or they do not. If it is the case that arrays are not supported, then it’s possible to create a long table of consecutive integers and cross-join this table with the table describing the number of minutes that a ticket is open during a specified week (within the weekly_periods subquery).

Future Improvements and Goals

It is important to note the queries presented above have some limitations. These queries don’t account for holidays during which there are no business hours. This could result in an overestimation of the time it takes for a ticket to be solved. Furthermore, the queries only work for tickets that have only one schedule associated with them. To account for multiple schedules, information about when the schedule change occured is required.

Finally, the “dialectical diversity” of the SQL engines used by each of the warehouses makes it challenging to apply the same solution logic for deriving ticket metrics. Features needed for our solution are sometimes unavailable in the SQL engines of some warehouses.It is possible for different warehouses to use different versions of the same SQL engine. For instance, the version of MySQL used by Snowflake contains added custom features—including the generate() function—which would not necessarily be available to use in other warehouses running on the MySQL engine. This situation makes it harder to write a single general query which could apply to several warehouses. Nevertheless, the examples illustrated in this article offer a general guideline for producing ticket metric queries and should be used, ideally, as models, rather than as strict methods for calculating ticket metrics.


  1. The solution time is calculated by finding the latest ‘ticket_field_history.updated’ value.
  2. For instance, 1440 would indicate Monday at midnight. This is because 1440 is precisely the difference in minutes between Monday and Sunday. An operation hour would then be some number of minutes between two different integers describing start and end times.

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Developing SQL for Zendesk Ticket Metrics

Developing SQL for Zendesk Ticket Metrics

August 17, 2018
August 17, 2018
Developing SQL for Zendesk Ticket Metrics
Use SQL queries with Zendesk data to assess help desk performance by employing metrics that offer quantitative insight into the efficiency of support teams.

One of the cornerstones of assessing both the performance of support teams and the satisfaction of customers is the formulation of metrics which can give quantitative insight into the efficiency of support teams. Companies using Zendesk services have the opportunity to calculate several types of such metrics, chief among them being the number of Zendesk tickets closed, ticket distribution, and response time. Here we will primarily focus on response time, and discuss the methods and queries you can use to determine the number of business hours it takes for a given ticket to be solved.

Discussing Zendesk ticket metrics, Fivetran Head of Support Tom Davies observes, “Response time and wait time are the most valuable metrics. Ideally, we want to be very quick.” Furthermore, wait time could be a potential indicator of customer dissatisfaction because “the longer you wait the more dissatisfied customers might become.” On the other hand, resolution time is important because “it helps to understand the total elapsed time, from when the case is opened to when it is resolved. This metric can point to additional training needed—or to support members required to reinvestigate the issue.” While it is relatively uncomplicated to calculate how long a particular Zendesk ticket was open, such information might not be of great use in examining the performance of your support organization. Instead, it is more important to calculate how long a particular ticket was open during business operating hours. This metric offers much better insight into the efficiency of your support organization.

Key Challenge and Proposed Solution

The key challenge is to “extract” any overlapping time occurring between regular business hours and the time during which a ticket is open. We may present this problem using the following illustration.

The continuous line above represents the time that a ticket might be open during specific week(s). The discontinuous lines below the ticket line represent regular business operations hours. The goal here is to find the sum (in minutes or hours) of all overlaps between the ticket line and the business operations lines. To do this, we consider three separate scenarios for the location of the ticket line in relation to the business lines:

  1. The ticket is open between two business operation times, and there are overlaps (also: the ticket line might cross multiple business operation lines).
  2. The ticket is open only during business operation times.
  3. The ticket is not open during any business operation times, i.e, it took 0 business-operations minutes to solve the ticket.

Within the Zendesk schema (note that this schema may also have a custom name depending on the organization) there are three tables that contain the data describing the ticket open hours and the business operation hours. The first is .ticket which contains the identification of the ticket ( and the creation time (ticket.created_at) in UTC as a timestamp.

Next, the .ticket_field_history table contains the ticket ID (ticket_field_history.ticket_id), solution time and a value for solution status. Lastly, the .schedule table contains the business operation times in UTC. However, the format is quite different from the creation time in the “ticket” table. The business operation start and end times are described as the number of minutes that have passed from Sunday at midnight in a given week. This format, therefore, already poses some difficulties. Consequently, the best course of action in this case is to convert the ticket creation and solution times into the same format as the business operation times. After accomplishing this, it is possible to find the total time that the ticket has been open by computing the difference between the solution and creation times. Lastly, by matching or overlapping the minutes that the ticket has passed through with the business operation hours, it is possible find the number of business minutes/hours that it took to solve the ticket. In SQL, this is done by joining the table that describes the ticket open minutes with the table that describes the business operation times.

The Solution in SQL

To illustrate our solution, let us examine the query written in Standard SQL. This SQL engine is implemented primarily within the Google BigQuery data warehouse.

The query is composed of three main parts. The first part derives the ticket creation and solution times, and converts these timestamps into the same format as seen in schedule table. This is a necessary step because it is rather challenging to convert business operation times (in the format that they were given) into timestamps.

In the subquery below, the creation time in minutes, from the beginning of the week, is calculated by truncating the timestamp to the Sunday of the week—and finding the minute-difference between Sunday and the creation time of the ticket. Using the same method, we can also calculate the total minutes the ticket existed (raw_delta_in_minutes). Lastly, we ensure that the ticket has indeed been solved using the “where” clause.

with ticket_solved_time as ( select as ticket_id, ticket.created_at as created_at, round(timestamp_diff(created_at, timestamp_trunc(created_at, week), second)/60, 0) as start_time_in_minutes_from_week, round(timestamp_diff(max(ticket_field_history.updated), created_at, second)/60, 0) as raw_delta_in_minutes from [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket_field_history on = ticket_field_history.ticket_id where ticket_field_history.value = 'solved' group by 1,2,3),

In the next subquery, the number of minutes for each of the weeks that the ticket was open is calculated. This is done by first creating an array from 0 to the floor of the quotient of the number of minutes during which the ticket was open—and the number of hours there are in a week. Then, for each of the weeks, the number of open minutes is populated in the weekly_periods table.

weekly_periods as ( select ticket_id, start_time_in_minutes_from_week, raw_delta_in_minutes, week_number, greatest(0, start_time_in_minutes_from_week - week_number * (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_start_time, least(start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes - week_number * (7*24*60), (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_end_time from ticket_solved_time, unnest(generate_array(0, floor((start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes) / (7*24*60)), 1)) as week_number),

In the final subquery, we employ the same logic used in the solution described above. Within the query, we join the “schedule” table with the table from the previous subquery. At the same time, we find the minimum between the number of minutes after which the ticket was closed (ticket_week_end_time) and the ending minute of the schedule. Then we calculate the maximum between the starting minute of the ticket and the starting time of the schedule. Lastly, we find the difference between the two values for each, and find the sum of all overlaps between the ticket and the business hours. Using this method, we are thus able to “capture” the overlaps between the business hours and the ticket open hours.

intercepted_periods as ( select ticket_id, week_number, ticket_week_start_time, ticket_week_end_time, schedule.start_time_utc as schedule_start_time, schedule.end_time_utc as schedule_end_time, least(ticket_week_end_time, schedule.end_time_utc) - greatest(ticket_week_start_time, schedule.start_time_utc) as scheduled_minutes from weekly_periods join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].schedule on ticket_week_start_time <= schedule.end_time_utc and ticket_week_end_time >= schedule.start_time_utc ) select ticket_id, round(sum(scheduled_minutes)) as scheduled_minutes from intercepted_periods group by 1 order by 1

In the end, all the overlapping minutes are summed and presented as a table with two fields showing the ticket ID and the number of business minutes it took to solve the ticket.

Producing the SQL Query to Run in Other Engines

As it happens, it is possible to “translate” this query from Standard SQL to either PostgreSQL or MySQL. These SQL engines are widely used by popular warehouses. Often, these warehouses expand upon the possibilities of what can be done using the SQL engine that they rely on. Nevertheless, the general logic of the query will remain the same.

Below is the PostgreSQL version of our query. Both Amazon Redshift and the PostgreSQL warehouse rely on the PostgreSQL engine (with Amazon Redshift SQL having slight syntactical differences).

with ticket_solved_time as ( select as ticket_id, ticket.created_at as created_at, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (created_at - date_trunc('week', created_at)))/60 + 1440 as start_time_in_minutes_from_week, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((max(ticket_field_history.updated) - created_at)))/60 as raw_delta_in_minutes from [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket_field_history on = ticket_field_history.ticket_id where ticket_field_history.value = 'solved' group by 1,2,3 ), generate_array as ( select distinct generate_series(0, cast((start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes)/(7*24*60) as int),1) as week_number from ticket_solved_time ), weekly_periods as ( select ticket_id, start_time_in_minutes_from_week, raw_delta_in_minutes, week_number, greatest(0, start_time_in_minutes_from_week - week_number * (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_start_time, least(start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes - week_number * (7*24*60), (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_end_time from ticket_solved_time, generate_array ), intercepted_periods as ( select ticket_id, week_number, ticket_week_start_time, ticket_week_end_time, schedule.start_time_utc as schedule_start_time, schedule.end_time_utc as schedule_end_time, least(ticket_week_end_time, schedule.end_time_utc) - greatest(ticket_week_start_time, schedule.start_time_utc) as scheduled_minutes from weekly_periods join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].schedule on ticket_week_start_time <= schedule.end_time_utc and ticket_week_end_time >= schedule.start_time_utc ) select ticket_id, round(sum(scheduled_minutes)) as scheduled_minutes from intercepted_periods group by 1 order by 1

Some features, such as lists and arrays, are not supported by Redshift. Consequently, instead of generating arrays, as we have done in the above query using generate_series(), we can generate a table containing consecutive numbers starting from 1. One way of doing this would be to use the stl_connection_log system table that logs authentication attempts and connections/disconnections. This method enables the creation of a table containing consecutive integers by replacing the generate_array subquery in the above PostgreSQL version with:

number_arrays as ( select 1 from stl_connection_log limit 100 ), generate_array as ( select row_number() over (order by 1) as week_number from number_arrays )

As a side note, the version of the query produced for organizations using Amazon Redshift also works for organizations relying on the Periscope and Panpoly warehouses. This is because both Periscope and Panopoly warehouses employ the Redshift SQL engine.

Notice that the differences between the queries in Standard SQL and PostgreSQL are not great, occurring mostly within the first subquery. In lines 4 and 5, the Standard BigQuery SQL functions timstamp_diff() and timstamp_trunc() are replaced by date_trunc() and EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM()) in PostgreSQL. The unnest(generate_array()) is replaced by a separate subquery of “generate_array”—which uses the generate_series() function to create a series from 0 to the week_number. Since it is challenging to use the unnest() function for unnesting series values in PostgreSQL, it is better to create a separate “generate_array” subquery where consecutive integers starting from 1 will be stored. These integers will denote the indexes for each of the weeks during which the ticket was open. MySQL also provides similar functions for manipulating dates and date formats. You can employ the version of the query presented below if your organization uses the MySQL and Snowflake warehouses.

with ticket_solved_time as ( select as ticket_id, ticket.created_at as created_at, datediff(minute ,date_trunc('week', created_at), created_at) + 1440 as start_time_in_minutes_from_week, datediff(minute,created_at, max(ticket_field_history.updated)) as raw_delta_in_minutes from [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].ticket_field_history on = ticket_field_history.ticket_id where ticket_field_history.value = 'solved' group by 1,2,3), generate_arrays as ( select seq4() as week_number from table(generator(rowcount => 1000)) as week_number), weekly_periods as ( select ticket_id, start_time_in_minutes_from_week, raw_delta_in_minutes, week_number, greatest(0, start_time_in_minutes_from_week - week_number * (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_start_time, least(start_time_in_minutes_from_week + raw_delta_in_minutes - week_number * (7*24*60), (7*24*60)) as ticket_week_end_time from ticket_solved_time, generate_arrays ), intercepted_periods as ( select ticket_id, week_number, ticket_week_start_time, ticket_week_end_time, schedule.start_time as schedule_start_time, schedule.end_time as schedule_end_time, least(ticket_week_end_time, schedule.end_time) - greatest(ticket_week_start_time, schedule.start_time) as scheduled_minutes from weekly_periods join [ZENDESK_SCHEMA].schedule on ticket_week_start_time <= schedule.end_time_utc and ticket_week_end_time >= schedule.start_time_utc ) select ticket_id, round(sum(scheduled_minutes)) as scheduled_minutes from intercepted_periods group by 1 order by 1 limit 1;

As seen above in the MySQL version of the query, timstamp_diff() is replaced by the datediff() function, while the function for truncating a given date is the same as it is in the PostgreSQL version of the query. Furthermore, since arrays are not supported in MySQL, we once again rely on a table in which we populate the entries of the array (lines 9 to 10). The rest of the subqueries match the structure and the syntax of the previous versions of the query. For warehouses, such as Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse, which neither support range-based arrays nor rely on any of the SQL engines mentioned above, it is possible to use a table of containing consecutive integers. In addition, analogous functions for truncating dates and finding differences between dates in minutes also exist in Microsoft Azure. For instance, we could use cast(floor(cast( as float)) as datetime) to truncate a particular date.

Notice also that, within the first subqueries of both the MySQL and PostgreSQL versions of the query that an additional “1440” value is added to the value of the start_time_in_minutes_from_week. This is because the functions for truncating days of the week in the Standard SQL and in PostgreSQL/MySQL version differ in the default day of the week that is used to truncate a given date. As you might guess, one version uses Sunday, while the other uses Monday. Hence, the additional 1440 minutes. Therefore, when producing the query in other SQL engines, it is important to keep in mind this difference in the way dates are truncated.

In summary, the differences between the different versions of the query are not only strictly syntactical (in terms of the names of the functions implemented), but they also arise from the extent to which certain features are supported in a particular SQL engine. Generally, the SQL engines used by each of the warehouses either support arrays and lists or they do not. If it is the case that arrays are not supported, then it’s possible to create a long table of consecutive integers and cross-join this table with the table describing the number of minutes that a ticket is open during a specified week (within the weekly_periods subquery).

Future Improvements and Goals

It is important to note the queries presented above have some limitations. These queries don’t account for holidays during which there are no business hours. This could result in an overestimation of the time it takes for a ticket to be solved. Furthermore, the queries only work for tickets that have only one schedule associated with them. To account for multiple schedules, information about when the schedule change occured is required.

Finally, the “dialectical diversity” of the SQL engines used by each of the warehouses makes it challenging to apply the same solution logic for deriving ticket metrics. Features needed for our solution are sometimes unavailable in the SQL engines of some warehouses.It is possible for different warehouses to use different versions of the same SQL engine. For instance, the version of MySQL used by Snowflake contains added custom features—including the generate() function—which would not necessarily be available to use in other warehouses running on the MySQL engine. This situation makes it harder to write a single general query which could apply to several warehouses. Nevertheless, the examples illustrated in this article offer a general guideline for producing ticket metric queries and should be used, ideally, as models, rather than as strict methods for calculating ticket metrics.


  1. The solution time is calculated by finding the latest ‘ticket_field_history.updated’ value.
  2. For instance, 1440 would indicate Monday at midnight. This is because 1440 is precisely the difference in minutes between Monday and Sunday. An operation hour would then be some number of minutes between two different integers describing start and end times.

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