Fivetran vs. Supermetrics

Trying to integrate your marketing data sources? Here are the fundamental differences between Fivetran and Supermetrics.
April 12, 2021

With an ever-growing arsenal of tools available to marketing teams, it’s more important than ever to centralize all of your data in a way that’s fast, reliable and in real time to realize and analyze the full impact of your marketing efforts. As the marketing technology industry shifts to demand more data-driven marketing teams, companies are tasked with finding a solution that ties marketing activities back to tangible performance metrics. Read through the differences between Fivetran and Supermetrics to understand more about what’s a good fit for your company and marketing organization.

Feature Supermetrics Fivetran
Free Trial •14-day free trial •14-day free trial and •14-day free usage of all connectors for all customers
License Model • Starts as low as $39/month •Price increases if you add more than 1 connector, add more than 1 account, add more than 1 one user. The cheapest possible option for 5 data sources, 20 accounts, and 3 users with Google Sheets as the destination puts you at $1269/month. •Consumption-based pricing •When your volumes increase, unit costs decrease•Tiers for Starter, Standard Select, Standard, Enterprise to fit your business needs
Documentation •Documentation for all connectors •Documentation for all connectors •Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for the major marketing connectors.
Setup Complexity •Dependent on destination Under 30 seconds for major marketing connectors
Support •Support Portal •Customer Success Manager & Technical Success Manager dedicated to accounts •Support Portal
Target Data Warehouses •Certain connectors are compatible with certain destinations. •For example, Snowflake has 36 compatible connectors, Excel has 60 compatible connectors. •BigQuery •Snowflake •Redshift •My SQL •SQL Server •Panopoly •Databricks •Azure Synapse •Postgres •Periscope Data •All compatible with all 150+ connectors.
Connector Availability •65 connectors •180+ natively built & supported connectors
Transformation Support •Reporting templates for Data Studio, Excel, Google Sheets •Fivetran transformations •Fivetran data models, including for Marketing specific connectors and an an ad roll up package
BI Support • SAP Analytics Cloud •Power BI •Google Data Studio •Google Sheets •Looker •Neustar •Qlik •ScanamerQED •Tableau •Tableau •Looker •Google Data Studio •Google Sheets •Google Analytics
Security & Compliance •‘Standard’ encryption •SOC2 Compliant •GDPR Compliant •SOC2 Type 2 •BAAs for HIPAA Compliance

Built for Excel vs. Built for Data Warehouses

At its core, Supermetrics moves marketing data from data sources into a destination. Looking at G2 reviews, the most frequently highlighted destinations that customers mentioned are Excel and Google Sheets. Supermetrics streamlines the downloading and uploading of CSV files from marketing channels.

In addition to Excel and Google Sheets as destinations, Supermetrics also supports Snowflake, BigQuery and Azure Synapse as well as cloud object stores from AWS, GCP and Azure — but you’ll want to make sure your application connector works with your desired destination. Integrating your data to a cloud data warehouse does incur a higher price point — and expect a limited selection of supported data warehouses.

If your data volume or analysis requirements are lightweight, you can load data into Excel, Google Sheets or a few other file-based storage systems. If you’re looking for a tool to make downloading and uploading CSV files a little faster, Supermetrics may fit that need. You will want to factor in the added costs of “premium” connectors as your team adopts new tools or requires additional data to see a complete view of your marketing programs.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a solution that takes your analytics infrastructure into the future, Fivetran fits the bill as an integral part of the modern data stack. Instead of manually looking at the data within each platform like Hubspot or Linkedin Ads or through spreadsheets downloaded from those platforms, you can automatically pump them all into a single cloud data warehouse.

Once your data pipeline ingests all the data into your cloud data warehouse, you can build models to visualize your data in BI tools like Looker, Google Data Studio or Tableau.

Fivetran data connectors are fully automated and optimized for modern data warehouses. Our solution is built for incremental loads in warehouses, ensuring we’re only pulling the latest updated data and staying ahead of API limits. Fivetran speeds up time to insights with pre-built query-ready schemas instead of the more manual table-by-table load Supermetrics requires.

Our pipelines also scale with your cloud data warehouse, and have a native integration with the following: Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Periscope Data, MySQL, Azure Synapse, Databricks, BigQuery and Panoply.

In contrast to Supermetrics, every new connector added with Fivetran comes with 14 days of free usage and free historical syncs. Fivetran connectors bake in flexible data sync times from one minute to one hour to ensure fresh marketing data — a unique and essential feature for data analysts to enable analytics for forecasting performance marketing.

Seer Interactive Case Study

Read how this digital performance media agency was able to dig out of Excel hell and focus more time on saving their clients money.


Balancing Quality and Quantity

Supermetrics has a number of marketing data sources, however, their connectors don’t always provide the same level of in-depth fields and metrics. Depending on the data source, this could result in an incomplete view of your marketing programs and spend. Without the full picture, the mismatched data could potentially impact advertising efficiency or underperforming lead generation.

Table-based report generation requires a deep understanding of exactly what fields are needed to craft a report and can lead to improper segmentation. You may find yourself going back to the drawing board and needing to add more connectors, thereby potentially driving up costs.

With Fivetran, we have 40+ connectors for the major marketing data sources, including key platforms like Facebook Ads, Hubspot, Marketo and more. All of our connectors are natively built and supported with easily accessible entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) (e.g., Google Ads) that show table relations in a graphical format.

That way, you and your marketing team know exactly what data is available to you before spending any money. When you onboard with Fivetran, instead of giving you puzzle pieces of your data, our ERDs map out table relationships so you can understand table joins. Your data is always analytics-ready.

Our support for customers extends even beyond our clear and concise documentation and support portal. Every customer has a designated Customer Success Manager and access to a Technical Success Manager who can help customize Fivetran to fit your company’s needs. And if you’d like a field added, you have a direct line to our product and engineering teams through our feature request portal.

Connect Your Cost, Customer and Product Usage Data

Supermetrics is an excellent tool for connecting to your marketing data sources. If you need a solution that can power more than marketing data for complete Customer360 programs, custom applications, or financial applications, Supermetrics may not be right for you.

Fivetran has 150+ connectors across applications, files and databases to ensure your entire company is aligned on a single source of truth. Your finance, sales and product teams can use Fivetran to power their own analytics insights. Your marketing team can discover hidden relationships by combining first-party and other data with your marketing data to craft more insightful marketing metrics.

  • Trying to better understand your marketing mix? Connect your database like PostgreSQL to link product usage and uncover which advertising channel brings in the most valuable, highest revenue-generating customers.
  • Want a fully baked return on investment (ROI)? Integrate your financial analytics tool like NetSuite to factor in cost metrics into the investment calculation.
  • Looking to market to churned customers? Link your CRM data like Salesforce to understand who those customers are.

Advanced marketing analytics capabilities are possible for any company when powered by a modern data stack with Fivetran at the core.

Comparison Overview

Overall, both platforms are fundamentally different. Supermetrics helps with the downloading and uploading of CSV files and directional BI visualization. Fivetran uplevels your marketing organization’s analytics framework through reliable and customizable data integration to virtually any destination and BI tool.

Whether you believe one or the other is the right choice for your business, we recommend that you try any solution before you buy. See Fivetran in action with a 14-day free trial.

Alternatively, if you’d like to explore best practices with us prior to starting your trial, we’re always available to present a demo that includes how to make the most use of your trial.

How We Create Our Product Comparisons

In order to create any public-facing comparison pieces, we do our utmost to thoroughly research the offering of our competitors based on publicly available information. For example, popularity of usage comes from pouring over publicly available G2 reviews and what customers say. For pricing comparisons, we use publicly available pricing calculators on official websites. For product capabilities, we use documentation. Most of our claims are caveated by particulars so as to ensure accuracy. In our efforts to live our values of integrity, if you have examples of publicly available data points that contradict our findings, we are more than happy to edit our content to ensure the most accurate representation.

Kostenlos starten

Schließen auch Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die ihre Daten mithilfe von Fivetran zentralisieren und transformieren.

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Data insights

Fivetran vs. Supermetrics

Fivetran vs. Supermetrics

April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Fivetran vs. Supermetrics
Trying to integrate your marketing data sources? Here are the fundamental differences between Fivetran and Supermetrics.

With an ever-growing arsenal of tools available to marketing teams, it’s more important than ever to centralize all of your data in a way that’s fast, reliable and in real time to realize and analyze the full impact of your marketing efforts. As the marketing technology industry shifts to demand more data-driven marketing teams, companies are tasked with finding a solution that ties marketing activities back to tangible performance metrics. Read through the differences between Fivetran and Supermetrics to understand more about what’s a good fit for your company and marketing organization.

Feature Supermetrics Fivetran
Free Trial •14-day free trial •14-day free trial and •14-day free usage of all connectors for all customers
License Model • Starts as low as $39/month •Price increases if you add more than 1 connector, add more than 1 account, add more than 1 one user. The cheapest possible option for 5 data sources, 20 accounts, and 3 users with Google Sheets as the destination puts you at $1269/month. •Consumption-based pricing •When your volumes increase, unit costs decrease•Tiers for Starter, Standard Select, Standard, Enterprise to fit your business needs
Documentation •Documentation for all connectors •Documentation for all connectors •Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for the major marketing connectors.
Setup Complexity •Dependent on destination Under 30 seconds for major marketing connectors
Support •Support Portal •Customer Success Manager & Technical Success Manager dedicated to accounts •Support Portal
Target Data Warehouses •Certain connectors are compatible with certain destinations. •For example, Snowflake has 36 compatible connectors, Excel has 60 compatible connectors. •BigQuery •Snowflake •Redshift •My SQL •SQL Server •Panopoly •Databricks •Azure Synapse •Postgres •Periscope Data •All compatible with all 150+ connectors.
Connector Availability •65 connectors •180+ natively built & supported connectors
Transformation Support •Reporting templates for Data Studio, Excel, Google Sheets •Fivetran transformations •Fivetran data models, including for Marketing specific connectors and an an ad roll up package
BI Support • SAP Analytics Cloud •Power BI •Google Data Studio •Google Sheets •Looker •Neustar •Qlik •ScanamerQED •Tableau •Tableau •Looker •Google Data Studio •Google Sheets •Google Analytics
Security & Compliance •‘Standard’ encryption •SOC2 Compliant •GDPR Compliant •SOC2 Type 2 •BAAs for HIPAA Compliance

Built for Excel vs. Built for Data Warehouses

At its core, Supermetrics moves marketing data from data sources into a destination. Looking at G2 reviews, the most frequently highlighted destinations that customers mentioned are Excel and Google Sheets. Supermetrics streamlines the downloading and uploading of CSV files from marketing channels.

In addition to Excel and Google Sheets as destinations, Supermetrics also supports Snowflake, BigQuery and Azure Synapse as well as cloud object stores from AWS, GCP and Azure — but you’ll want to make sure your application connector works with your desired destination. Integrating your data to a cloud data warehouse does incur a higher price point — and expect a limited selection of supported data warehouses.

If your data volume or analysis requirements are lightweight, you can load data into Excel, Google Sheets or a few other file-based storage systems. If you’re looking for a tool to make downloading and uploading CSV files a little faster, Supermetrics may fit that need. You will want to factor in the added costs of “premium” connectors as your team adopts new tools or requires additional data to see a complete view of your marketing programs.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a solution that takes your analytics infrastructure into the future, Fivetran fits the bill as an integral part of the modern data stack. Instead of manually looking at the data within each platform like Hubspot or Linkedin Ads or through spreadsheets downloaded from those platforms, you can automatically pump them all into a single cloud data warehouse.

Once your data pipeline ingests all the data into your cloud data warehouse, you can build models to visualize your data in BI tools like Looker, Google Data Studio or Tableau.

Fivetran data connectors are fully automated and optimized for modern data warehouses. Our solution is built for incremental loads in warehouses, ensuring we’re only pulling the latest updated data and staying ahead of API limits. Fivetran speeds up time to insights with pre-built query-ready schemas instead of the more manual table-by-table load Supermetrics requires.

Our pipelines also scale with your cloud data warehouse, and have a native integration with the following: Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Periscope Data, MySQL, Azure Synapse, Databricks, BigQuery and Panoply.

In contrast to Supermetrics, every new connector added with Fivetran comes with 14 days of free usage and free historical syncs. Fivetran connectors bake in flexible data sync times from one minute to one hour to ensure fresh marketing data — a unique and essential feature for data analysts to enable analytics for forecasting performance marketing.

Seer Interactive Case Study

Read how this digital performance media agency was able to dig out of Excel hell and focus more time on saving their clients money.


Balancing Quality and Quantity

Supermetrics has a number of marketing data sources, however, their connectors don’t always provide the same level of in-depth fields and metrics. Depending on the data source, this could result in an incomplete view of your marketing programs and spend. Without the full picture, the mismatched data could potentially impact advertising efficiency or underperforming lead generation.

Table-based report generation requires a deep understanding of exactly what fields are needed to craft a report and can lead to improper segmentation. You may find yourself going back to the drawing board and needing to add more connectors, thereby potentially driving up costs.

With Fivetran, we have 40+ connectors for the major marketing data sources, including key platforms like Facebook Ads, Hubspot, Marketo and more. All of our connectors are natively built and supported with easily accessible entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) (e.g., Google Ads) that show table relations in a graphical format.

That way, you and your marketing team know exactly what data is available to you before spending any money. When you onboard with Fivetran, instead of giving you puzzle pieces of your data, our ERDs map out table relationships so you can understand table joins. Your data is always analytics-ready.

Our support for customers extends even beyond our clear and concise documentation and support portal. Every customer has a designated Customer Success Manager and access to a Technical Success Manager who can help customize Fivetran to fit your company’s needs. And if you’d like a field added, you have a direct line to our product and engineering teams through our feature request portal.

Connect Your Cost, Customer and Product Usage Data

Supermetrics is an excellent tool for connecting to your marketing data sources. If you need a solution that can power more than marketing data for complete Customer360 programs, custom applications, or financial applications, Supermetrics may not be right for you.

Fivetran has 150+ connectors across applications, files and databases to ensure your entire company is aligned on a single source of truth. Your finance, sales and product teams can use Fivetran to power their own analytics insights. Your marketing team can discover hidden relationships by combining first-party and other data with your marketing data to craft more insightful marketing metrics.

  • Trying to better understand your marketing mix? Connect your database like PostgreSQL to link product usage and uncover which advertising channel brings in the most valuable, highest revenue-generating customers.
  • Want a fully baked return on investment (ROI)? Integrate your financial analytics tool like NetSuite to factor in cost metrics into the investment calculation.
  • Looking to market to churned customers? Link your CRM data like Salesforce to understand who those customers are.

Advanced marketing analytics capabilities are possible for any company when powered by a modern data stack with Fivetran at the core.

Comparison Overview

Overall, both platforms are fundamentally different. Supermetrics helps with the downloading and uploading of CSV files and directional BI visualization. Fivetran uplevels your marketing organization’s analytics framework through reliable and customizable data integration to virtually any destination and BI tool.

Whether you believe one or the other is the right choice for your business, we recommend that you try any solution before you buy. See Fivetran in action with a 14-day free trial.

Alternatively, if you’d like to explore best practices with us prior to starting your trial, we’re always available to present a demo that includes how to make the most use of your trial.

How We Create Our Product Comparisons

In order to create any public-facing comparison pieces, we do our utmost to thoroughly research the offering of our competitors based on publicly available information. For example, popularity of usage comes from pouring over publicly available G2 reviews and what customers say. For pricing comparisons, we use publicly available pricing calculators on official websites. For product capabilities, we use documentation. Most of our claims are caveated by particulars so as to ensure accuracy. In our efforts to live our values of integrity, if you have examples of publicly available data points that contradict our findings, we are more than happy to edit our content to ensure the most accurate representation.

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Kostenlos starten

Schließen auch Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die ihre Daten mithilfe von Fivetran zentralisieren und transformieren.

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