Why our new pricing model is fabulous for agile analytics

Consumption-based pricing allows you to pivot your data pipeline as you change or add data sources.
June 15, 2020

Fivetran recently announced our shift from an annual per-connector subscription model to a consumption-based pricing model. We think that this new model is ideal for today’s data organization that needs more flexibility and agility to adapt to market changes.


As business realities change, you don’t know which sources you’ll be using on an ongoing basis. You might change to lower-cost software options or add new tools to better understand your customers. At Fivetran, we’ve changed several of our SaaS tools in order to manage costs.

With our new pricing model, you are charged on the basis of source-agnostic monthly active rows. This means you can remove, add or change sources at any time without renegotiating your contract with your account manager.

You can easily update your software suite as much as needed to support your business. Fivetran will continue to support you with our growing portfolio of over 180+ connectors!

But don’t just take our word for it. Our customers are realizing the benefits of consumption-based pricing as well.

One ad agency we work with was thrilled to transition to the new model from their fixed per-connector contract. Previously, whenever they added a new customer’s data to their Fivetran account, they also had to amend their contract to account for that change. To the agency’s delight, our new pricing model means less paperwork, fewer discussions with their Account Manager, and more insights when they need them. It also means that their overall monthly Fivetran service gets cheaper on a per-customer basis as they grow their customer base and move more monthly active rows through their Fivetran pipelines.

On the other end of the spectrum, a large European bank took the opportunity to convert to our new model early. Their initial purchase with Fivetran took months to gain approval through their procurement process so they were hesitant to make any changes to their account. With our new consumption model, they were able to convert their per-connector contract to a consumption-based contract easily because no money had to change hands. They can now add connectors in a dynamic fashion, bypassing the lengthy contracting process.

No minimums

At any time, you might want to reduce or even pause your usage. In our new model, you can actively manage your costs by only replicating the data that you need. We do not require a minimum monthly payment. This flexible model makes it easy to accommodate changes in your team’s analytical needs.

We’re happy this new method of pricing adds benefit to our growing family of customers. We invite you to start a demo and try Fivetran for yourself!

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Schließen auch Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die ihre Daten mithilfe von Fivetran zentralisieren und transformieren.

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Why our new pricing model is fabulous for agile analytics

Why our new pricing model is fabulous for agile analytics

June 15, 2020
June 15, 2020
Why our new pricing model is fabulous for agile analytics
Consumption-based pricing allows you to pivot your data pipeline as you change or add data sources.

Fivetran recently announced our shift from an annual per-connector subscription model to a consumption-based pricing model. We think that this new model is ideal for today’s data organization that needs more flexibility and agility to adapt to market changes.


As business realities change, you don’t know which sources you’ll be using on an ongoing basis. You might change to lower-cost software options or add new tools to better understand your customers. At Fivetran, we’ve changed several of our SaaS tools in order to manage costs.

With our new pricing model, you are charged on the basis of source-agnostic monthly active rows. This means you can remove, add or change sources at any time without renegotiating your contract with your account manager.

You can easily update your software suite as much as needed to support your business. Fivetran will continue to support you with our growing portfolio of over 180+ connectors!

But don’t just take our word for it. Our customers are realizing the benefits of consumption-based pricing as well.

One ad agency we work with was thrilled to transition to the new model from their fixed per-connector contract. Previously, whenever they added a new customer’s data to their Fivetran account, they also had to amend their contract to account for that change. To the agency’s delight, our new pricing model means less paperwork, fewer discussions with their Account Manager, and more insights when they need them. It also means that their overall monthly Fivetran service gets cheaper on a per-customer basis as they grow their customer base and move more monthly active rows through their Fivetran pipelines.

On the other end of the spectrum, a large European bank took the opportunity to convert to our new model early. Their initial purchase with Fivetran took months to gain approval through their procurement process so they were hesitant to make any changes to their account. With our new consumption model, they were able to convert their per-connector contract to a consumption-based contract easily because no money had to change hands. They can now add connectors in a dynamic fashion, bypassing the lengthy contracting process.

No minimums

At any time, you might want to reduce or even pause your usage. In our new model, you can actively manage your costs by only replicating the data that you need. We do not require a minimum monthly payment. This flexible model makes it easy to accommodate changes in your team’s analytical needs.

We’re happy this new method of pricing adds benefit to our growing family of customers. We invite you to start a demo and try Fivetran for yourself!


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Schließen auch Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die ihre Daten mithilfe von Fivetran zentralisieren und transformieren.

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