data transformation

A change to our Transformations pricing structure

A change to our Transformations pricing structure

On January 1st, 2025, Fivetran will charge for Fivetran-hosted dbt Core transformations and Quickstart Data Models.

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Try out the Fivetran dbt™ package for SAP

Try out the Fivetran dbt™ package for SAP

Use Fivetran’s dbt package to recreate your SAP extractor models and better understand your performance.

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Introducing Alation’s Fivetran OCF connector

Introducing Alation’s Fivetran OCF connector

This add-on connector automatically extracts and incorporates metadata from Fivetran to reveal the upstream origins of the data in the destination database.

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Best practices for optimizing a dbt™ deployment in a cloud destination

Best practices for optimizing a dbt™ deployment in a cloud destination

Learn the optimizations for a dbt deployment that are essential for a dependable data stack.

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Pack up the stored procedures and move to modernize

Pack up the stored procedures and move to modernize

It’s time to move your data transformations from stored procedures to a more modern approach with dbt™ and Fivetran.

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Using dbt to integrate and transform ASCII files

Using dbt to integrate and transform ASCII files

The final iteration of our series on ASCII files; how to combine dbt and Fivetran to integrate ASCII files.

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Behind the data model: How we transform your data

Behind the data model: How we transform your data

Learn how our Fivetran data models transform your connector data into analytics-ready tables

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Data transformations: what’s the T in ELT?

Data transformations: what’s the T in ELT?

How Fivetran Transformations help you accelerate time to value and utilize the best practices of data transformation’s top tooling - dbt Core

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Transforming data: How an ELT platform can accelerate analytics

Transforming data: How an ELT platform can accelerate analytics

Features like prebuilt data models, version control and integrated scheduling make data transformation faster and more powerful.

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Why SQL is a must-have skill for every data analyst

Why SQL is a must-have skill for every data analyst

Learn why SQL is essential for every data analyst’s career and how it upgrades the impact you can make for your organization

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ETL vs. ELT: Why a post-load process wins every time

ETL vs. ELT: Why a post-load process wins every time

Learn three reasons why you should only perform your data transformations post load.

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From application to insights with Quickstart data models

From application to insights with Quickstart data models

Fivetran’s new Quickstart data models let you turn your application data into analytics-ready tables, all with the click of a button.

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dbt erklärt

dbt erklärt

Erfahren Sie, wie dbt den Modern Data Stack um Datenmodellierung und -transformation erweitert.

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Kostenlos starten

Schließen auch Sie sich den Tausenden von Unternehmen an, die ihre Daten mithilfe von Fivetran zentralisieren und transformieren.

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